chapter 14 - the start of a fake relationship

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(Theos POV) 

It's currently 8am and Liam and I have been watching movies all morning.

- Hey I should probably go

Liam looked at me from across the couch. 

- Why should you go?

- Umm I need-

And just as I was about to say something, my phone started to ring. 

- Sorry could you wait just a minute

Liam nodded and I walk in to the kitchen. 

- Hey?

- Hey Theo, Scott here. Are you with Liam? He has been ignoring my calls all day

I didn't know what to say, did Liam want me to tell him that we were in a "relationship" or if he wanted me to just be quiet. I decided that it's probably his call to tell the pack. 

- Um yes, I handle him the phone. Just wait

I walk fast back into the living room. 

- Liam, Scott wants to talk to you

I whisper harsh. Liam takes confused the phone. 

- Hey Scott

(Liams POV) 

- Hey Liam, you have been ignoring me all day, something wrong?

- Well I'm mad at you because Mason told me you don't think I'm over Hayden just like he thinks. But I am!

- Liam it's okay if you still love her, she left you broken and then comes back again just like that. It could bring up some feelings.

I rolled my eyes. 

- No Scott I don't like her. At all okay, but whatever it doesn't bother me what you think of that anymore anyways

- yea? And why's that?

- Well I maybe kinda is seeing someone

I could almost hear how surprised Scott was. 

- Don't just meet someone so you can forget her okay?

- I'm not

- whatever makes you sleep at night Li

- goodbye Scott. I hung up sitting irritated up.

Theo stands up walk to me and start dragging me out of the couch. 

- We should go and change we have school in less then 1 hour and i need to shower

I tangled me from his grip and walked behind him. We went into my room and Theo took a shower immediately and I started to clean my room. It was clothes everywhere and when I was done, I changed into my usual. Black jeans a grey shirt and a white hoodie over. I sat down on my bed with my phone waiting for Theo. I heard how the shower stopped and he came out walked straight to "his" room to pick his close. It was familiar to mine, black jeans, grey shirt but without the hoodie. We grabbed our backpacks and sat down in the kitchen. Theo fixed some sandwiches to us.

- So it's try out today

- hmm is that's so

Theo said with food in his mouth 

- yeah, you should try! You would be amazing

- hah well I can think about it if that makes you happy

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