chapter 2 - jealous me? never

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We were walking home from Deaton and Mason was being very quiet. 

- Mason? Are you stressing over the mate thing?

- what me no, yes

- You know, everything is going to be great i promise, you guys are made for each other

- You're right we are. And even if we aren't mates, Im still gonna stay with him. I really love Corey

- I know, but don't worry there is like no way you aren't mates. 

- Thanks Liam, you'll find your mate someday don't worry 

When i got home i fixed some food and sat down with homework. 

notification from "The pack" 


The Pack

ScottMcCall -

So at pack meeting tomorrow Deaton will explain the mate thing for those who are interested.  

StilesStilinski -

Um sure okay, and the rest? 

ScottMcCall - 

Idk, um we will find something to do for them :) 

LydiaMartin -

Stiles, you can drive Derek's pack?

StilesStilisnki -

Why me????

LydiaMartin -

You have a car

StilesStilisnki - 


MaliaTate -

I will walk

ScottMcCall -

Kira you can ride with me if you want to 

KiraYukimura - 

Great, thank you 

MasonHewitt -

I can drive Liam and Corey

LydiaMartin -

Thanks Mason.

(In dereks pack: Derek, Erica, Boyd, Isaac)


Oh, Okey.

I locked my phone and just looked up at the ceiling. Fuck imma have to talk to Scott about Theo joining us. Why does he wants that, he kinda has his own pack with that dude Jake. I don't like him, he is so augh i don't know. He is so annoying and- what the fuck i have never even talked to him. Why am i thinking of him. My phone buzzed and i picked it up. 

A notification from Theo. What does he want now. 


Have you talked to him yet? 


Omg chill i will tell you when i have, stop stressing. Its fucking Annoying 


Calm down jerk 


Im a jerk??? you have nothing on me 


Ugh, you are so annoying


You are, go annoy Jake instead 


U jealous? 

Ofc you are im amazing and you wants me for your self 


Actually shut the fuck up that is so not true i don't want you at all i want you gone 


You sound jealous love 


Im not gonna talk to you about this, bye 


In denial? hahah 

A/n - yes im rewriting this, finally even tho the story is not done. But its so bad i just cant anymore. Hahahah im not gonna promise a good story but i do promise a better one 

this was a very very short chapter 

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