chapter 15 - punched in the face

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(Theos pov)

We had just got into the classroom and there was no one in it yet except for the teacher and a girl in the back. We sat down beside each other and I took out my math stuff from my backpack. After some time more and more people came into the classroom, and the classroom was soon filled. Mason and Corey walked in holding hands and laughed, Liam turned to me as fast as they entered the room. 

- Pretend we're talking and laughing

He started to laugh awkwardly 

- if we are suppost to trick them at least try dude 

He stared at me annoyed. I started to tickle him and he absolutely lost it. No one looked at our direction but Mason and Corey looked confused at us. I stopped when the teacher started to write on the board. Liam looked pleased by my effort.

- good jobb Theodor i think they bought it 

- Good morning everyone hope all of you had a lovely weekend, I'm your new teacher Mrs Smith. Please turn to page 34 and start working. 

Mason sat down in front of Liam and turned to him as soon as she was done talking. I started to listen to their conversation.

(Liams pov)

- Hey Liam

I looked up from my book and Mason was staring at me. 

- Hey Mason

I looked back at my book. 

- Soo what the fuck was that about

Still looking down trying to work I answered 

- what are you talking about Mason? 

- You and Theo laughed, he tickled you i mean i know thats friendly but trust me that looked far away from friendly. 

- oh that, it was nothing

I said and giggled, Mason turned back around with his clearly disappointed answer. After 1h class the clock rang and everyone was packing their stuff and walked out from the classroom. Mason and Corey were already out. I had picked up all stuff in my arms ready to go when Theo grabbed my arm. I turned around looking at him confused. 

- You're not gonna wait for your extremely hot kinda boyfriend?

I rolled my eyes and we walked out together. We walked to my locker.                                                        

- Li, what classes have you left?

I opened my locker and put in my stuff 

- I have Biology in 10 minutes then I have history, English, Science and then i'm done for today. What about you?

- I have Science, Spanish and then a long English class

I suddenly hear Scott's voice getting closer and closer to our direction. I grabbed Theo's shirt and pulled him closer to me, so both of our heads were hidden behind the locker door. Theo almost fell and put his one hand on the locker next to me and the other on my locker door, almost squeezing me into my own locker. He looked confused at me and I nodded at Scott 's direction. Theo turned his head but still had his hands around me, just as Scott looked over to us and Theo snapped back. I giggled so they would think Theo said something cute. Theo looked at me and borrowed his eyebrows laughing an evil laugh 

- was that your giggle? haha cute

I blushed a little and he walked away. Scott looked confused at me. I looked at him with an awkward smile and walked to my next class. After a long day with long classes the bell finally rang and it was time to go home. I stood by my locker cleaned it and throwing out papers I didn't need anymore. 

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