chapter 20 - is this really how it all ends?

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Lydia and I was driving to the location of Theo's phone and talk about how he got into this mess. I told her about everything I did and our fight. We had decided not to tell the others yet. We could handle this ourself right? It's just stupid Jake he is nothing. When we arrived we saw this little yellow house with white list. It was not clear if someone lived there or not. It looked abandoned and almost every window was broken. We walked out from the car slowly approaching the house. I listen closely if I could hear any heartbeats in the house. I was concentrating so hard but it was like it was an invisible shield around the house making it impossible to hear anything. I was planning on giving up, when I suddenly heard a heartbeat I gasped and Theo's name escaped from my mouth, oh god we found him. All my bad thoughts disappeared and i was so happy about hearing his heart beat. But suddenly I heard another heartbeat. I turned to Lydia in shock and fear. 

- I can clearly hear Theos heartbeat but I think i hear two people in there

She but a finger on her mouth trying to hear anything but she heard nothing. She nodded slowly walking up to the door and opening it. I peaked in trying to see anything, it looked totally abandoned on the inside as well. I took a step in, looking around scanning the room. Lydia following me. 

- Your going behind me

She said in her normal mom protective voice, so of course I let her go first. We where standing i some kind of living room. It was a tree table in the middle with four chairs. Right in front of us was a green little door with a rusty silver doorknob. On the left was some kind of wardrobe with broken doors and on the right side two jackets was hanging on the wall. I recognize one of them and walked closer to it. I was trying to catch some kind of scent and then I felt it. It was Theo's lovely smell. I smelled it feeling like I was home. I took a deep breath and whispered to Lydia 

- this is Theo's Jacket

She looked closer at it 

- are you sure? oh yea I see it now, what do you think is behind that door?

She pointed at the green door and I shrugged my shoulders. We walked closer and I heard steps getting closer. I stopped Lydia and put my finger on my lips showing her to be quiet. I looked around trying to see if there was someone. And from nowhere I hear a shot and a bullet was flying towards us. It didn't hit either of us, luckily. Another bullet was fired at us and it was flying towards Lydia. I stepped in front of her getting the pullet right in my back. She gasped and whisper harsh at me to turn around. She took out the bullet studying it with a disgusting look, meanwhile I was trying to look for a place to hide. 

- Your lucky it wasn't wolfsbane

I heard how another bullet was fired 

- get in we need to hide!

I yelled shoving us both in behind the green door. I close the door and the bullet didn't came through it. I turned around noticed we where in some kind of basement.

- Where the fuck are we Lyds?

- I have absolutely no idea Should we call the others, it could be more hunters

I nodded at her 

- do that I will check this room, thing

I started to walk around in the basement trying to find a back door or anything that could get us out from this house. When I heard a voice. I listened closely, it was crying and some light screaming. I walked slowly into the next room. Taking my claws out. The noises was getting louder. The room was filled with different boxes with chains in. It looked like an old prison. I walked all the way in and in one of the boxes on the left someone was sitting in the dark. With their hands around their legs covering the face. But then they looked up.

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