chapter 4 - The pack meeting

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(Liams pov)

I had just come home from a lunch with Mason and I was just lying on the couch watching TV.  It was 7pm and in an hour it was Pack meeting. I was laying there and waiting for Mason and Corey to pick me up. I heard how I got a notice from my phone that was in my room. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I thought it was Mason but nope it was Theo.

Traeken Hi again

angry.liam Urgh what do you want know

Traeken Stop acting like a child, i was asked to come to the pack meeting. So i guess Scott alredy thought about it

angry.liam he would never without asking everyone

Traeken maybe you guys are deciding today while im there, amazing

angry.liam infront of you? yes that is amazing

Traeken whatever, you are evil love

angry.liam yes i am, i'm not denying it

Traeken i was wondering if i should take you, you don't have a car and i dont know were Scott lives

angry.liam noooooooooooo, fine i dont have any other way to get there so i guess

Treaken lovely im gonna pick you up in 10 minutes

I went to my closet and took out a pair of black jeans and a gray shirt. When I had put on my clothes, I heard a car parked outside my house and I understood that it was Theo. Fucking Theo, i really don't like him. But he is always there.

- Hello Li. Theo said as i sat down in the passenger seat. There was a black curtain so you coulden't se the back seats

- what do you have back there?

- nothing!

- wow nothing huh, so if i just slowly remove it you will be okay with it?

- mhm mhm mhm

I placed my hand were the curtains separate and started slowly pulling it from each other

- stop! okay stop, you win

- you have someones dead body behind there

- no i do not

- sure you don't

- okay fine, i have my stuff there end of discussion

- fine

We sat in silence the rest of the car ride. Apparently Jake had to come as well, because Theo didn't feel like going alone to a meeting where he was most likely to be humiliated. I Had to clime back to the back seat and it smelled so much like Theo its like he lived in the car. When Jake was in the car all they did was flirt. It was absolutely disgusting, urgh i really hate that dude Jake, even more than Theo. And wow how that guy smelled. I don't know why but i was so mad, so so mad. I wanted to punch Jake in the face the entire car ride. When we got to Scotts house i yelled to turn up in the drive way. Theo rolled his eyes at me and we all got out from the car. Finally some fresh air and space from those idiots.

- Hello guys. Scott greeted us in the doorway, i almost ran into the bathroom to wash my hands and calm down. My anger had been better but not to night.

When everyone had settled in Scott cleared his throat and the room got quiet.

- So Deatan was suppost to talk about mates now but since we did that yesterday we will talk about something else today. So there has been a suggestion and we are going to talk about it. Yes why is Theo here. I dont know what he's friends is doing here but Theo is here because we have to decide something. Can Theo join our pack?

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