chapter 17 - whoops

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(Liams pov)

We went into the bathroom and brushed our teeth. We talked about the other's thoughts about Theo's new "lover". When we were done, I sat down on my bed and went into my computer to answer mason.

masonhewitt - WHY ARENT YOU ANSWERING MEEEEE????!!!!!!!!

masonhewitt - ARE YOU FRICKING DEAD OR SOMETHING???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

angry.Dunbar - sorry have been watching tv all day and my phone had sound off. 

masonhewitt - oh okey. Well, have you seen Theo's last post?

angry.Dunbar - yes, what about it?

masonhewitt - HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!

angry.Dunbar - you sure about that?



- Theo?

I scanned the room for him, but he was not in my room. He came walking from the bathroom in only a pair of grey sweatpants. Oh jesus Liam do not look at him only the eyes, oh god not like that. 

- yea? what do you want, hello Liam are you gone or sum idiot?

- Did you tell everyone you had a girlfriend?

- No, I haven't mentioned the gender of my partner. 

I smiled at the thought of me being Theo Reaken's fucking boyfriend. In a friendly way? 

- Okay, well everyone thinks it's a girl, should we post on us together so they understand it's not a girl?

He came closer to me 

- what does it bother you that they think its a girl?

- what nooooo of course not, i was just thinking yk

he laughed at me. 

- sure okay


   @ Treaken

                                                                                      @ Treaken

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liked by frysboxboy14, SStilisnski and 4587 more
Treaken - loverboy guys, no lovergirl here.

masonhewitt - wait what? your gay and didn't tell me??!! the god of gays? unexceptable 🥲

ilovedeer - welcome to the team dude 

lydiaMartin - proud of you for coming out 

randomgirl - too bad your gay, im free and hot😒

randomgirl2 - noooooo😭

lydiaMartin - @randomgirl2 shut the fuck up or i will make you deaf.

SStilinski - whooooo is it?????????????????????????????????????

the_hot_girl - yeeaaaaa telllllllllllll ussssssssssssssssssss

(Theos pov)

- even if that only was for instagram, it was kinda fun with picnic 

Liam cheeks got a light pink shade as he said it. 

- yea it was fun, we should def do it again

He smiled. Wow that smile is cute, i mean yeee. 

- so have you ever wonder what your sexuality is, like for real?

- no 

He looked confused at me. 

- really no? huh good for you i guess

I looked over at him and the sun shone straight into my face, I squinted my eyes and moved a little to the left so as not to go blind 

- i mean i have almost always known that i was gay

He gasped

- your jaw is gonna break Liam 

He shut his mouth. 

- and you never told me? 

- you never asked

- i mean you are? How did you know? Did you like kiss someone to know or... 

- Yea, i kissed a girl and was like "yea no i'm definitely gay" 

- hahahaha really?? 

- yea

- you should also post something on us so they can connect the dots you know?

- yea? well i don't have as many followers as you

- that doesn't matter Liam, we want our friends, well most of your friends to connect the dots

- is this good?

It was a picture mason took at the day of the party. 

- yeah its okay.  

I said, trying to hide the fact that the picture gave me joy. 

- it is..... anyways i will post it


liked by erika100, ArgentAllison and 1356 more angry

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liked by erika100, ArgentAllison and 1356 more
angry.Dunbar - uh oh hehe whoops 

mason.hewitt - wait, I took that photo.....

KiraYYYY- thats a guy? your also gay????? happy for you bro

the_hot_girl -Proud of you son, weird Theo has also posted on some guy...
SStilinski - @the_hot_girl  WAITTTTTTT

ilovedeer - yea kid another one on my team, wow dude wait is that Theo?  __________________________________________

{ words 749 }


Also another short as chapter, im very lazy apparently 

I hope you guys enjoy this as much as i enjoy writing this cringy as pice of paper. hehe

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