chapter 21 - I think I really like him

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( Theos pov )
Everything was quiet, it was like the whole world had stoped. Like time had given up. I couldn't hear anything else then a ringing noice in my left ear. I couldn't see either, everything was black. I understood that people were talking but not really who was speaking or what they said. I heard screaming and crying agains my right ear, but i couldn't understand what was happening. I tried to move but it was like my brain weren't connecting to my muscles. Its probably one of the most irritating thing i have ever experience. I could not sense if the noises were real or if my brain was making it up. I could feel i was lifted up and russed out to some kind of car and then everything went quiet again.

Did i just die?


( Liams pov )

It has been a month since we found Theo. It was a great feeling first, to see his face again. And now all I do, all day is holding his hand in hope for him to wake up. Theo has been in a coma for the last month. We had just rescued him and got him too Deaton. The black thing in his veins was scarily close to his heart. There was no time left. We drove as fast as we could to the hospital. Melissa tried everything, I was so scared. I couldn't lose him, i had just realized how much Theo actually mean to me and the universe takes him from me. I thought he died but Scott had called a contact of his, a witch. Her name was Hannah, she made a special tea that he needed to get in him everyday to keep him alive until Hannah and Deaton find something to help him. And everyday after school i come to the hospital to spend time with Theo. I can't think of anything except him and what a crap of shit i am for letting him go that night.

- hi Liam, just a reminder we close at 7pm today

Melissa said as i walked into the hospital once again. I nodded and walked to the elevator and into the room where Theo was. I laid down next to him in the hospital bed and took out my sketch book. I had drew pictures of me and Theo during a battle we looked badass and alive. Just us two together. I sat there drawing and looking at his beautiful face, I looked at him and I once again thought about how much he means to me friend or non friend. I have never before, ever questing my sexuality but every time I look at his pretty face something in me just tells me to take that path. I don't know if its because he is so good looking or something else. I just feel bond to him. I have been talking to Malia about this since she just figured out she is pansexual and she is very open with it so i'm not afraid to ask questions. She told me that it is okay not to know and that really helps me. I think i have figured out what I am right now, since I have had sexual attraction towards girls and still have. Not now tho. But I think i'm Bisexual, at least i'm gay for Theo thats for sure.

I love to studie his face but i wish he actually was here with me conscious. Melissa walked in with the tea and pored it into his mouth. 

- how are you doing Liam? I see how much Theo means to you

I looked at her in sadness 

- He dose he really dose and i'm scared i'm never gonna have the chance to tell him that

I said and Melissa walked over to me and hugged me tight 

- oh you will sweetie i promise you

She conformed me for 5 minutes then walk out continuing with her work and i started to work on my art.

( 1 h later )

I was scrolling trough instagram when i heard a knock. I looked up from my phone and Hannah was standing there. 

- Hi Liam, everything alright?

I nodded and smiled at her 

- have you and Deaton figured something out?

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