chapter 16 - what a jerk

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(Theos pov)

We were driving in silence and all I could think of was that I felt bad for Jake. Well I didn't because he's a dick but how should i react to losing my friend. I mean I don't wanna be his friend but Liam makes it worth it. After another 10 minutes of awkward driving we were finally at Liam's house. We walked out and got in the house.

Liam started to make some sandwiches for himself and then he watched Netflix. I just sat quiet next to him in the small blue couch. My phone started to ring and Liam looked annoyed at me. I picked up. 

- Hi I'm so sorry for earlier babe, I know you didn't mean anything

I was so confused and didn't understand who it was. 

- I'm sorry who is this

The person on the other line huffed harsh 

-  Jake ofc

I rolled my eyes and my anger mad me raise my voice. 

- Listen up punk 

I was almost screaming into the phone and it looked at Liam like he just had a heart attack, he's sandwich was now on the floor. 

- I am not your babe, we are not together and please stop talking to me!

He laughed so I added 

- besides I'm seeing someone as you might realised so i need you to stop acting like a baby and grow the fuck up 

Liam looked up from his trashed sandwich and I could see through the gaze of my eyes that he was smiling. Jake made a weird noise 

- then prove it

- I have nothing to prove to you

- well you aren't posting on each other and you haven't even touched each other hands

I didn't know how to answer it. 

- So we can make a deal

- I don't need to deal about my dating life with you, jerk

- just listen to my suggestions, if you prove that you and Liam are together I will leave you alone.....


Forever? That does sounds good, I don't want anything to do with him. 

- Sure whatever Deal

I hanged up looking back at Liam. 

- I guess you heard whatever that was ... sorry

Liam smiled, his cute, innocent smile. 

- no it's fine, I get it and besides we don't need too see that bitch again if we get this relationship to work

I smiled 

- also we should pretend to be a couple when we are alone to so we get into our "characters" he added and smiled.  

- oh I see how it is, you can't resist me, little wolf

- omg do not start to call me that

- so are 

He trow a pillow at me and it hit me straight in the face. 

- HEY idiot that was mean, i'm just saying you are a little cute wolf

I think I saw his cheeks turning a slight tone of red.


Liked by the_hot_girl, lydiaMartin and 4789 others

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Liked by the_hot_girl, lydiaMartin and 4789 others.
TRaeken - safe to say that your hand are never gonna get cold again

lydiaMartin - since do you have a girlfriend!?

the_hot_girl - oooooooo, cutecute? 

SStilisnki - soo who is your "secret" partner!?

ilovedeers - good job!



randomchick1 - that's to bad I'm still single and ready for you😩

masonhewitt - where are you bitch? @angry.Dunbar ???


The pack group chat !!

ArgentAllison - Theo, tell us who your secret partner is!!!!! 😩😩

the_hot_girl - yeah come on just tell us!!

lydiaMarin - is he dead?

masonhewitt - i think so💀



likes by frysboxboy14, boyd1 and 8654 others

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likes by frysboxboy14, boyd1 and 8654 others.
TRaeken - just walking in the park with my little wolf ;)

frysboxboy14 - who is the secret lover?

jakeHottie55 - it's me guys!! ❤️🥺😍😘🥰

TRaeken - @jakeHottie55 no it's definitely not you  

alpharwin2-1 - wow this is surprising 😍

lydiaMartin - just tell us you bitch!!! 😩

masonhewitt - bitch??? @angry.Dunbar


(Liams pov)

I was scrolling on instagram and I saw the cute post Theo had putt on instagram. I don't know what to say but i'm definitely a little mad that people think it's a girl. Like come on guys please connect the dots. 

- Theodor?

I walked into the living room and he was sitting there texting Lydia. 

- yea, little wolf

- Stop calling me that

He looked up at me smiling 

- never, what did you want 

I sat down beside him cuddling up against him without realizing what i was doing. 

- I um- never mind, wow it's really cold

I said as an excuse. He smiled laying his armes around me. I have been growing more on Theo the last two days, especially since we decided to act like a real couple even now when it's the weekend. Tomorrow we be back in school and we decided to be more into each other or how you describe it. We watched tv for a while then we decided to go to bed.

Mason had texted me all day about Theo having a new "lover" and that he thought it was me or that I was sad because it wasn't me. I had just ignored him. 

{ 925 words }

A/n - very short chapter but it will do 

I am trying to wrap this together as fast as i can. 

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