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1. separated from other persons or things; alone; solitary.

//Jade's P.O.V//

Serving life in a mental rehab facility isn't enough for people like Luke, wait, there isn't anyone like Luke. Just Luke himself.

What he deserves is a slow, painful death, preferably being tortured with a knife, a knife. Exactly what he branded me with, he marked his own initials on my stomach, I ran my hands over my stomach, it was healing ever so quickly, in a few months, it will be completely gone.

I will knife him, make sure I stab him in all the right places so he doesn't just die straight away. I don't understand why this world gives psychopaths a chance, Luke was a crazed kidnapper, and all he's serving is therapy in a mental rehabilitation centre or whatever the fuck Greg called it.

I don't have much family, Mum never contacted her mother because she left home at the age of 14, and met Dad at the age of 15 and had me at the age of 16. When we used to go out, people used to ask us if we were related. Mum used to say we were, to prevent people from thinking she was a slut.

What will I do once I reach home? No one will be there to reassure me that Luke will never touch me again.

All alone by myself. In a house of horrors.

I snapped out of my daydreams and was met with my driveway, my neighbour was watering her plants, she saw me come out the car, as I walked to my door in silence with a officer tagging behind me, she took her sun hat off in respect for my mothers death, I shot back a smile that I tried to force through, but I probably looked like I was trying too hard, she smiled warmly but her eyes showed signs of sympathy.

I'm glad to know people actually cared about my mother, once the door opened, the house smelt different. The house seemed bigger, and empty.

Forensics did a pretty awesome job of cleaning up, everything was in place, but my presence in the house made me feel more vulnerable and more of a target knowing that Luke would be attending Melbourne's Mental Rehab Facility Centre. I know Luke, nothing will stop Luke after he comes looking for me. Not even the police force themselves, and you ask how I know Luke will try to escape?

I bet you a million dollars that Luke will fake being cured and get himself out of there, he reminds me of this film me and Sam (my ex-boyfriend) went to see, it's called No Good Deed featuring Idris Elba, he played this sociopath who 'faked' being cured after spending 10 years in jail, and he obsesses over this woman who has a kid and a husband (a/n: i actually saw this film with my big sister and i personally think that the husbands cheating i mean come on 'going on a business trip', business trip my ass), and the guy tries to have her after he killed his own girlfriend, who was 'supposedly' dating another guy whilst he was in prison.

The girl he is obsessed over, tries to escape but unfortunately dies. Sorry guys, spoiler alert.

Luke resembles so much off that film, but thinking about that movie, makes me think about how much fun me and Sam had, he wasn't just a boyfriend.

He was a friend. And he was my first ever love.

I don't know how I managed to cope without Sam, sometimes I wish that I had never broken up with Sam, we could've talked it out and tried new things. But no, my ego (a/n: *cue beyonce*) had to ruin it for me and Sam.

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora