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1. The act of telling one another, false information.

Luke's P.O.V

I woke up with a blinding light, my face scrunched up at such brightness. I was greeted by nurses and doctors pushing me, on a gurney, that I was strapped to.

I tried to move but the leather straps were too tight, the restraints were too much. I blinked to gain clearer eyesight and it seems like I was being pushed down a corridor, a long one. "Where the fuck am I?" I said to one of the doctors that was pushing me. Instead of an answer, he fucking ignores me. And I hate being ignored.

"Uh, are you deaf? I just asked you a simple question, where the fuck are we?" I yelled, but again. Silence.

We arrived to a cell where they unstrapped me, then threw me in and locked the cell. The doctor then looked at me, but instead, it was Jade.

"Holy shit, he's burning up and having a seizure." Someone yelled, I opened my eyes to be met with several nurses and doctors, I felt my body go numb and I started to heat up. My heart started to beat hard, I couldn't breathe. My body was paralysed and I couldn't do shit. But all I knew, was that the whole prison thing, was just a dream.

My body started to shake severely, people were trying to help me, my brain trying to fight back. But nothing could stop this from happening to me, I thought peaceful thoughts.

AKA, Jade's face.

After that, my whole body went into still mode. I slowly regained control over my bed, I lift my finger but was stopped by a nurse.

"Luke, can you hear me?" I nodded, "You just had an epileptic seizure, due to the medicine that the nurses put you down with after you had an outburst." She explained. All of it was coming back to me, the interrogation, the police, the kiss.

I felt warm shivers go over my body, Jade, my baby, kissed me infront of everyone else. I felt the need to touch her and tell her she's mine, no-one else's.

The nurse had given me time to think, but it wasn't too late until the cops came strolling, looking serious as hell.

And I thought happy endings existed.

Jade's P.O.V

"How dare you kiss th-that, psychopath?" I literally threw a fit, "Don't ever say that word about Luke again, okay? You don't know him. You don't know him well enough to call him a fucking psychopath." And then I felt a sting on my face, my mother had just slapped me.

"Don't you ever use that sort of language on me, you stupid girl. Of course he's a psycho, you heard what he did to those other girls. He isn't right, not in the head at least." I cringed, my mother didn't know anything.

"You need to fix up, this is exactly why I kicked you out the house. I swear, when your father finds out."

My heart stopped. I was speechless, what did she mean, "when your father finds out?"

Her face paled, mimicking the exact actions as me. She just straight-faced me, just as if she was looking through a window.

"Mom, dad isn't really dead is he?"

Sorry for the short chap, ik, but I wanted to just say something. Most of you guys must of seen my new a/n which was called "pissed off". I felt as if I was being abit to harsh, sorry to those who feel offended. Its just that I have alot on my plate and Im just quite grumpy rn, so I appreciate every single one of you guys. Ilysm, we are up to nearly 10K reads and im just so happy! I love writing for you guys and I know you guys are all horny muthafuckas, but yeah

Ilsym and stay strong guys :)

Sue :)

Twitter: @hypeftluke

Instagram: @infinitesxe

Snapchat: @empress_suee

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora