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//Luke's P.O.V//

"He's up." Is what I woke up to, one doctor and one angry looking woman, who oddly looked like my mother.

Wait, it is my mother.

"Mr Brooks, are you aware of the condition you are in?" the doctor asked, I nodded.

"Okay madam, he's all yours." The doctor said before walking out the door, I just wanted to call the doctor back because I was so scared of my mum right now. I mean, the look she was giving me right now was the side of my mother you would never want to meet. She stood up and walked over to me and gave me a hard slap across the cheek.

"H-how could you? You stupid boy." My mother said, my cheek stung from the impact of the cheek. I was sure that my mum had left a massive handprint on my face, and that's it bright red.

"First the kidnapping, then the killing of her mother, and now Ashleigh? I don't know anymore, me and your brothers have had enough. I've never thought I would say this, but. You are not my son anymore." She said whilst holding a emotionless face.

That really hit home.

"I never meant to." I said, "That's always your excuse, you never meant to. You never meant to violate Jade. You never meant to kill her mother and her boyfriend, you never meant to kill those police officers when managed to escape. Everything in life that happens to you was never meant to occur." She replied, whilst anger clouded her eyes.

I couldn't do anything but stare, I didn't have anything to say to Mum. As she was about to say a word, my brother, Jai walked in, holding a cup of coffee from Costa (a/n vanilla is the shit).

"Mum, I got some-" And at that moment our eyes locked in sync, and boy, was it not a pretty sight.

//Jade's P.O.V//

I sat in isolation at the FBI office, with two security guards looking after the door. Ashleigh's co-workers put me in here for my little outburst, and all that anger that had built up within me made me want to go on a killing spree.

And guess who I would kill first.

Luke fucking Brooks.

Don't forget about my little plan, I'm going to make him suffer. No matter the consequences, because of him I have nothing. And that is what he wanted. I continued thinking about the million ways I wanted to torture Luke for being a heartless cunt, but my thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from the security guard. I heard some static from their radio's.

"Little lady, head of FBI wants to see you." He stated, I got up from the floor and dusted myself off from the dirt on the floor, I walked towards the door, the security guard opened it for me. I walked past and said thank you.

At least my mother taught me my manners before she was killed without mercy.

The two security guards locked the door before following me towards the head of FBI's office. I felt nothing but anger still. I really wanted to hit Ashleigh and kill Luke so much.

We reached the office, one of the security guards knocked twice before I heard a man's voice. "Come on in."

The guard opened the door and I walked in only to be met with Ashleigh's ugly ass. Her nose looked all purple and bruised, I tried to keep in my laughter so I sat myself down on one of the chairs infront of the head of FBI's desk.

He faced the window which was right behind him, looking out onto the busy city of Melbourne.

I peered into a bowl, which had mints in them. I took one and popped into my mouth without asking. "I see you're a fan of mints." The guy said whilst turning around.

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora