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a.n: the luke and Jade smut we've all been waiting for after like 7283929374733 chapters later lmao


//Luke's P.O.V//

"I-I'm going to tell everyone." She slurred, "Tell everyone what, sweetheart?" I cooed sickly, "You won't even remember your own name when I'm done with you." I spat.

She cowered away on to the prison bed, "Please, please don't do this." (a/n: hoe don't do it) Jade begged with tears streaming down her face, "Don't cry, you're too beautiful to cry. If you cry, it will actually make me feel bad, for once." I stroked her face, as she laid on the bed, as I towered over her. She started to shake out of my grasps as my hands were set on her waist.

I kissed the exact spot I was kissing a few minutes ago, "People are going to be looking for me, and when they do, y-you'll be in so much trouble." She hissed.

"Baby, am I not in enough trouble?" I murmured whilst licking her the crane of her neck. I gave little kitten licks over the now-formulated hickey I gave her before I drugged her.

"Stop, that tickles." She giggled and rolled her head back.

Now the drugs have really kicked in.

"It tickles right there?" I said licking her neck again, but this time was a bold stripe up her neck. I made my way from there down to her body, making her moan as I continued kissing her body. "I need to leave." She smiled weirdly.

And it was just a few minutes ago she was fighting to leave and now she's asking me with a smile.

"You need to learn your punishment." I explained. She hummed back in pleasure as I reached her pelvis area. I kissed it passionately, making Jade groan.

I went further into her private region, holding on to her waist for support. I played with her hem of her panties, "I don't know if I want to pleasure you. I don't think you deserve it." I told her.

"P-Please." She begged, "After you tried to run off? Fight me back?" I kissed her hips and nibbled, leaving tiny little lovebites.

I looked up at her, waiting for an answer. "Well." She hesitated, "That's what I thought." I said.

I let go of her waist and got up, I stood up and looked at her, I looked at her and saw how her body looked fragile. She was fragile, she was mine.

Jade got up and tried to support her body on her elbows. "Can have some food?"!She asked sweetly.

Is she for real?

"I'm hungry, give me something to eat." She groaned and laughed at the same time. "I'll give you something." I said whilst unzipping my trousers.

"It's not like your trousers are gonna give me some chicken or something." She chuckled.

She stood up and got off the bed, "I'm tired now." She said whilst stumbling towards the door, "I'm going home now. Did I earn my way out?" She spat, "Excuse me?" I said, "Did you just snap at me?" I asked with sour tone that lingered within my question.

Jade turned at just gave me a dirty glare, and rolled her eyes.

That's it.

I grabbed her by her wrists, and threw her onto the prison floor, the hard concrete floor making Jade wince. "What the fuck?" She stammered.

I kicked her in the face, Jade screamed loudly, blood slowly trickling down from her nostrils, down to her top lip, she was shaking and quivering. Slowly backing away from me, I grabbed her by the hair and kicked her once in the belly. "I'm going to be in a fucking rehab centre because of you! You put me in here." I screamed viciously.

"I-I'm sorry." She begged, sobbing at the same time. "Sorry doesn't cut it, princess." I smiled psychotically. "You killed my mother-ow." She winced holding her nose, I bent down to her level, her back against the door, on the floor. I grabbed her hair and dragged it across the floor. We got to the concrete wall and I threw against it, her head landing first.

Jade's head had blood dripping down to her eyebrows from her forehead. She put her finger on the wound, and fell down.

I only then realised that if I continued to make Jade bleed, she would lose too much blood.

I quickly took a bit of orange jumpsuit that was wrapped around my waist, I had a grey, short sleeved t-shirt on anyway. I quickly ripped it off and bent down to Jade to stop the bleeding.

"G-Get off me. I don't need your fucking help." She growled, "Fine." I simply replied.

I took back the piece of clothing and finished unzipping my trousers. She looked up at me and started shaking her head in fear.

I held the back of her hair and pushed her closer to me for her to give me the best fucking blowjob ever.

"I don't want t-" She was about to say but was abruptly stopped by me, "Did I ask you what you fucking wanted?"

"No." She said with a tear rolling down her face. "Then don't speak, and suck it." I said pushing her face in.

//Jade's P.O.V//

"Then don't speak, and suck it." He stated with a tone of anger, I was still shaking after he had kicked me in the face and threw me against the wall. My nose was obviously broken and I had a deep wound on my forehead.

Without warning my face was pushed against his dick, his dick in my mouth. He moaned out loud, "F-Fuck."

His hand grabbed my hair and held it up so he could control what my body does to him. My body felt dizzy from the heroin, he shoved his dick so far down my throat, I gagged and my eyes started to water from the lack of oxygen, my eyeliner started to run down my face.

I'm already in his grasp, there's no way I can escape his grasp, so I might as well try to follow what he say.

I got my hands and tried to hold on to Luke because of the force that I was submissed into.

Luke held on tighter to my hair, "Suck on Daddy's cock harder, baby." He moaned.

I got my hands, and wrapped it around the parts my mouth couldn't reach. "Fuck baby, that's it." I bobbed my head, and started to lick his tip. "Fuck, being such a good girl for Daddy."

I quickly took him out of my mouth for some air. I was still rubbing and stroking his dick.

I took him all into my mouth again, making him moan, "Shit Jade." He moaned, I bobbed my head faster and faster, I just wanted him to come faster so I could go home.

"Jade, baby, Daddy's gonna come." He groaned, his hold on my hair got tighter.

He was going to come, "Jade." was all he said before he came into my mouth.

I quickly got out of Luke's grasp and ran to the other side of the cell, and started to gag.

"The drug has side effects as well, you vomit and hallucinate. Does all sorts." Luke said whilst zipping up his trousers.

I looked up at Luke and saw that he was wiping sweat off his forehead, he walked over to me and kissed my cheek, "You give the best blowjobs. Too bad for me I'm gonna be in rehab." He whispered in my ear.


this is your one way ticket to hell guys.

remember to follow, vote and comment :)

Sue x

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora