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Paranoia [pa-ruh-noi-uh]

1. A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.

2. Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.

//Jade's P.O.V//

I staggered to my car, my head was spinning, my cut on my forehead is stinging, my nose is aching and my body was shaking, still in shock from the encounter with me and Luke.

But, what Ronnie said won't be erased from my mind;

"Make sure you lock your doors, we wouldn't want any strangers coming up into your bedroom, would we?"

He scared the hell out of me, especially when he told me if I said a word about him and Luke working together, he would set me up in front of the courts, and Luke would make an allegation for me taking drugs.

I took out my car keys, but because I was so consumed by the heroin, my hands were shaking. I dropped the key on the floor, I bent over to pick it up, "Shit." I muttered to myself.

I felt two wrapped around my waist. I quickly jumped and turned around in fear, no one was there. The area was just, empty.

I didn't see a shadow or anything, I moved my hair behind my ear, "Hello?" I talked out, "Did anyone touch me?" I asked, no response.

"I must be imagining things." I chuckled nervously to myself, maybe it was because I was so used to Luke, that every time I turn around or bend over, I feel a figure hovering over me or touching me.

I pressed the car key, and it unlocked my car, I walked to it. I opened the drivers' door and sat in front of the wheel.

My purse was in the passengers' seat. My phone was inside of it. I opened it, but only to be met with notifications of numbers calling me, I had 10 missed calls from the same number, and voicemails left for me from the same number. I didn't want to talk to this number, this could be some stupid person trying to pull a prank or something.

But I had a text.

I slid the notification across, I read the message, my eyes widened at who it was.

"Hi Jade, I've tried calling but it didn't go through. I understand you are still grieving at the loss of your mother and step-father. I left several voicemails to let you know when to call me back. I got your number from the police department, so no, I didn't stalk you or whatever you're thinking right now. I just wanted to let you know that we need to talk. Maybe for coffee? I know we didn't get off on the right foot at the hospital and our little bicker in Chief Greg's office, and when you punched me in the nose.

So, if you want to, meet me at the little coffee shop downtown, the one opposite McDonald's. Please reply ASAP :) Ashleigh x"

I replied back immediately;

"Hi Ashleigh, okay! I'd love that, we can meet tomorrow morning at 10:00am. If you aren't busy at that time, I'd kill for a coffee tomorrow, I know what coffee shop you're talking, I'll meet you there. See you then! Jade :)"

I slumped back in my seat, I put the car keys into the ignition. And I drove off.

I drove off, my head still aching. I happen to have driven past the shops. I needed to get some aspirin and a drink to make my pain stop. I drove into the car park, it was dark and empty.

I parked into a space, I quickly grabbed my purse and some sunglasses to cover my bruised eye. My Ray Bans were underneath my chair, I grabbed them and put them on before making my way out of the car, I locked behind me as I walked to the shop door. Until I heard someone calling my name, "Jade."

I turned around, "Still imagining." I mentally encouraged myself, it was probably the fear making me believe the unbelievable. "I'm going to get you, baby." I heard someone whisper, and it sounded a lot like Luke.

I quickly whipped my head around to see if anyone was behind me, I quickly shaked my head to stop my imagination from running wild.

I walked into the shop, I greeted the shopkeeper, who happened to be a small, young lady. I went down to the medicine aisle and grabbed some aspirin, then making my way to the drinks section. I got a bottle of Monster and made my way to the checkout.

I handed the woman my groceries, she scanned them and placed them in bags. "Rough night, huh?" She asked, I lifted my head, "Yeah." I chuckled, "Well, have a good night!" She said, "You too." I smiled, I waved before leaving the shop.

I went back out into the car park, "You can't run from me, sweetie."

I stopped dead in my tracks, "You'd look so much better without clothes on, riding me like you rode Sam, you on top is a sight I'd like to see." The voice said, it was definitely Luke.

"Come out and face me." I said loudly, talking out to whoever was talking to me.

"I love how you're so scared, reminds me of when we were first together." He giggled like a schoolgirl, "Remember our first kiss together, remember how I had you in your bra and panties and you was parched on my lap. And we kissed each other for a long time?"

I grabbed my hair in frustration, "I'm 16, you're 27. Whatever you did to me was rape!" I growled back, "Age isn't nothing but a number, sweetie. It doesn't stop me being in love with you." He cooed, "You aren't in love with me! You're obsessed!" I snapped, "I can't wait to have you underneath me, squirming for help as I dig a knife into your belly, again. Do you remember that? When I carved my initials into your belly." I bet he was smirking right now.

"I need you, now." "Get out of my fucking head!" I screamed out, violently shaking my head and slapping the side, "Get out! Get out! Get out!" I yelled, "Stop controlling me, you freak!"

"Aw, you even have a pet name for me." He cooed sickly, "I love you, baby."

"Don't call me that! I'm not your baby! Stop!" I started to gain even more frustration, I got on my knees, I was slapping, grabbing and violently shaking my head. Luke was controlling me.

Before I screamed out, a high pitched screech occurred. Hurting my ears. I screamed out in agony. I cried, tears were falling uncontrollably, my eyesight was blurry, my head was vibrating.

I slouched down, on my knees. He whispered again;

"I love you, so fucking much. But if I go down, you're going down with me."


Chapter 1 done! Suffer will be up tomorrow, I'm trying to stick to my word about updating twice, Paranoia was supposed to be up on Saturday but Wattpad decided to act like a bitch and send it to some URL link which really pissed me the fuck off bmt

but I guarantee you that Suffer will be up! I am halfway through but I'm studying for exams :'(((((((

I love you guys for reaching 25k!

Remember to follow, vote and comment! :)

Sue x

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora