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Luke's P.O.V

They held me in a cell, one of those cells for crazy people. They said it's because of my 'outbursts'. I sat there, my hands cuffed, so I wasn't able to hurt anyone. I was faced with my reflection, I was looking through one-way glass.

I heard conversations from outside, a man and a female. The man sounded like he was out of breath, making me curious as to what they are talking about.

"She had a violent outburst, then she was sedated by several security guards. Then, they took her into isolation so we can check up her. But, then when she woke up, she went under a state of catatonia."

"So she isn't making any progress whatsoever?" The woman replied back, "She is, I mean, she did wake up eventually but with memory loss, so she doesn't remember her seizures or anything that happened after she was drugged. She needs to stay for a while, so she can gain her stability, then, we will discharge her. But, send her to a councillor or therapist in order for her to get over the death of her mother."

Jade, they were talking about Jade.

It was obvious as to the way they were speaking about her, her mothers' death? Her outbursts? They could be talking about someone else, but I am one hundred percent sure that it is Jade.

"Miss Diaz is very upset, she is only 16. It makes things harder for her because she insists she is left alone. I think that the last few days have been hard, time has been tormenting her. After the treatment, she will go home. Home to a place where her mother once lived. I think that this girl needs to be taken into therapy once she has been discharged. But, she will be free to go home." He stated, I heard nothing but silence until the woman broke it.

"Okay, I will look into the whole therapy situation, but right now, I will deal with Luke. We need to interrogate him on the death of Chloë Diaz, Christopher Wright and Dylan Quincy." The woman said, I couldn't believe that Jade had actually an outburst.

It wasn't likely of her to, she would scream but never use violence.

I sat still, thinking about the many ways they were going to punish me and the many ways that Jade was going to go through therapy. Maybe she would meet the same doctor that tried to 'help' me. The doorknob twisted and turned, a jingle of keys followed after.

"Mr Brooks?" The same voice that was just talking a minute ago, the woman. "I'm Ashleigh Farce. I will be looking after you for the remainder of time you will be staying in isolation, until the trial, you will be tried for the murder for Ms Diaz and her partner, Christopher Wright and Dylan Quincy, a boy who had nothing to do with your psychotic games."

"He was part of my game, he was touching my property." I grew angrier, "Oh, you mean Jade or as you like to call her, your 'property'. Well listen here, you insane little shit. She doesn't belong to you, or to anyone. You killed her mother just to take her and use her for your disgusting needs. She doesn't love you. You took away her world, and made it into your own."

"Her mother would've got into the way of our relationship." I hissed, "What relationship? You're the most delusional guy I have ever seen, she doesn't love you, who would love a maniac like?" Ashleigh replied with venom in her tone, she looked at me with narrow eyes, waiting for my response. I stood up, unable to hurt her due to my handcuffed hands, I walked up to her, her back landing on the padded walls (because they put me in one of those special cells) and her body shaking, she reminded me so much of Jade, her dark, brunette hair cascading down her shoulders, her petite frame compared to my tall body, her body sandwiched between the air that's in the middle of our presences, and the wall behind her.

"Get one thing straight lady, you can call me insane, psychotic or crazy. But I am not a maniac, you don't understand the love that I have for Jade, she will be mine no matter what, I will kill anyone that will get between us. You can send me to jail, but I will escape to be with Jade. I know who you are, Ashleigh Nataliè Farce. You are half French and American, but was born here in Australia, travelling all the way here from Sydney to investigate this case, you have an older brother named Kyle, you are 24 years old, your birthday is on 4th of May, just a day after mine. I know your address, your home back in Sydney, Woodvale Street, door number is 56. You live in a bungalow, not a house and you live by yourself, easier for me to get you because I won't have to kill any witnesses."

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora