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a.n: i have this funny story to tell you guys at the end please read it, i promise you guys will be in tears truss me daddi.


//Jade's P.O.V//

I walked home. In the rain. Sam didn't drive me home. He didn't want to.

He was mad at me, but he was given a frank warning in the idea he did it out of anger, he was told that if he touched me one more time, then he would be in jail. I was soaking wet, my makeup running, my hair was wet, I took it out of my ponytail, my body was aching from the fight I put up with Sam. My knuckles were bleeding from the punching.

I dragged my bag across the floor, the wet floor, until I walked into a fucking puddle.

Just. Fucking. Great.

My flat shoes were now wet and my tights have water in them. I was going to sit down and fix them until a fucking truck drove by and the water splashed on me as I took a seat on the low brick wall.

This is just my day, isn't it?

Water was splashed on my face and clothes, I quickly shaked my head from the excess water, and got my shoe and emptied the water. I guess I deserved this. I guess I deserve this for kissing my fucking kidnapper.

Who their right fucking mind ends up falling for their kidnapper? Who?

I put my head in my hands, I can't forgive someone that kidnapped me for months on end, someone who carved their initials into my stomach. Someone who trapped me in their own home and beat me black and blue just for getting fresh air.

I can't just forgive Luke. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here, suffering. But, I didn't know how much suffering I put him through, accusing him for killing my mother and raping me.

But, at the end of the day, he did sexually assault me, forcing me to give him oral sex, twice, before when he trapped me in his home for the first time, and in the prison cell, and him fingering me and drugging me.

It was his fault.

I don't understand why I even kissed Luke, it was just in the heat of the moment.

I started to think of my mum, but it started to raise emotions higher than expected, and I find myself sobbing, hard.

I cried and cried and cried until I saw a shadow cover the sight in front of me, a presence. I looked up, taking my head out my hands.

It was Krissy. The same fucking girl who got me kidnapped, she made me smoke weed and my mum found out, and kicked me out her house.

"H-Hey." She stuttered, obviously my makeup was smudged everywhere, and she could see me crying, I looked up to see her, her hair was messed up, her red lipstick was smudged, and her clothes were wet. She was wearing a guys' bomber jacket over it, it probably belonged to some jackass. She had dirty white converses on, and ripped shorts, with some colourful ass tights. Wow.

"Krissy." I looked up into her eyes, she bent down on my level, she smelt like weed, and her eyes were red.

"What are you doing in the rain babe?" She whispered softly, "Crying. Haven't you heard?" I muttered.

"The trial. I know. It was on the news. Paps coming tomorrow to see the final verdict." She turned to see my wet shoe.

"Yeah. Krissy, what happened to you?" I whispered, she looked a mess.

"I met a guy, he loves me and I love him." She smiled, "Krissy, you've changed, you were only high school bad ass, but now, you're just bad-ass." I mumbled.

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora