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//Jade's P.O.V//

We drank our coffee, and had a very nice conversation, about her relationship with Luke, and to think, Luke was actually an amazing boyfriend, everything she was saying made me feel like their relationship was just goals in life.

"There was this one time, I had to babysit my little niece, my sisters' daughter, Lily, who's 6. Me and Luke were at home with her, and she was really mean to Luke, every time she wanted something, like some soda or sweets, Luke told her no because I had already taken her out for some ice cream. She literally started to have a temper and her and Luke got into an argument, Lily started shouting at him, calling him a moron, and he started telling her off for using that word. And then she locked herself in the bathroom and put bleach in her hair." Ashleigh laughed.

"Oh my gosh! Then what happened." I said with tears in my eyes, I was laughing so hard, I held on to my belly.

"Luke and me had to open the door, with a screwdriver and she had bright blue hair from the bleach. And we had to wash it out, and thank God it did. She hates baths, she was crying and screaming. I don't know how my sister keeps up with kids." She chuckled.

"Remind me to never have any!" I giggled, I wiped the tears of laughter away from my eyes and slumped back in the chair.

"You and Luke were serious about each other, huh." I said, with a more firm tone. "Yeah, we loved each other." She said.

"Did you ever get jealous? Because you said that Luke used to follow and stalk me." I asked, "At first, I thought you and Luke were fucking each other but really, you was just an innocent, young girl who didn't know what was happening around you. When Luke moaned your name, I just thought he was moaning some blonde bimbo's name, but really, you were only 16."

And there was silence for like 2 minutes, until Ash broke the silence.

"Hey Jade."


"What was it like? You know, being kidnapped."

"It was scary, but I learnt so much. Especially, when Luke and me had our first moment together." I whispered, fear lingered within my tone.

//F L A S H B A C K//

I woke up to blinding lights, I was sat in a bed with white sheets. Not knowing where I was, I was completely dumbfounded at the location I was placed in. I only in my bra and panties.

I rubbed my temples, a headache was waging war against my brain, I scanned my eyes around the room before it finally came back to me- before I came here, I was placed in a car, that had followed me.

I started to tear up, I ran my hands through my hair. I heard some footsteps, I sat up attentively. Now was the time to gain some answers.

A man walked past the bedroom door, I shouted, "Hello? Who's there?"

No response.

"I know you can hear me! Who is it? Where am I?" I started to panic, resulting in tears and a broken voice.

Footsteps were heard walking towards bedroom, tears running hot down my face, my face plastered with smudged mascara along my face, because of the tears.

The door opened, revealing a man, holding a glass of water and two pink tablets. He was wearing black jeans, a navy blue hoodie and boots, his hair was curly, but with blonde tips, his hair styled in a quiff. He had a lip piercing, he had light hazel eyes, he looked older than me, but not too old.

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora