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"You don't understand how scared I was when I couldn't find you. My heart dropped, I thought you really went." My mum said, I felt bad. Even if Luke didn't kidnap me, I wouldn't of gone back to see my mother, but I guess I let anger get to the best of me, and same goes to my mum. My mum sat there showering kisses everywhere on my face. "Mum, please, you're embarrassing me!" I felt my cheeks redden. I felt like I was a little kid starting school for the first time, but in a way, I'm grateful to have my mother with me. "Mum, how did you know I was gone?"

"Well, I simply looked for you, already knowing you was going to try to stay in the alleyway or go to one of your friends' houses. I looked for you in the alleyway, you wasn't there but you forgot your backpack there. I opened it and you had your clothes and phone charger there, I figured it wasn't right for you to just leave your backpack in the middle of the alleyway. So I called up Krissy, she said she hadn't seen you, I called your other friend, Sasha, she said the same. None of them had seen you. Anyway, I called up your Aunt Clarissa, she said she hadn't seen you either, I had a hunch you wasn't anyway I knew off. So I search all over town for you, only then to be received a phone call by the police. After they had told me you was found in that man's house, I came here as quick as I could."

I was gobsmacked, my mother really did care.

"Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know, whatever I said to you that day/night. It was all a mistake, and I love you very much, okay? So please, come back into my arms. I need my baby back, please?" My mum sobbed, I couldn't bare seeing her like this. Of course I was going to back home!

But what about Luke?

My thoughts were interrupted by an officer, calling both me and my mother in to see an interrogation take place against Luke. I held my mothers' hand, we walk together down to the interrogation room as the officer escorted us there. The room looked like one of those interrogation rooms you would usually see in CSI or Law & Order. As I took in the rooms' appearance, a detective walked in, a female one.

"Hi, I'm Detective Shirling, but you can call me Natalie. I take you are Jade Diaz, and this is your mum, Chloë Singer-Diaz?" Gesturing at each of us, "Yes, that's correct. Detective Shirling?-" "Please, call me Natalie." "Yes, Natalie, would you mind me asking, what's going on with this whole interrogation thing? My mum explained, "Well Chloë, Mr Brooks here is under the arrest of physical assault, sexual abuse and most of all, kidnap. Which is considered a major act of defiancy and is always punished severely, who knows, Luke may serve a life sentence if he testifies to this." My mind went blank as soon as the microphone said,

"Interrogation takes place at 4:43pm, Detective Landon will be asking questions to convict Luke Anthony Mark Brooks who is under the arrest of sexual abuse, physical assault and kidnap." I felt numb as we turned to the glass window.

I saw Luke in handcuffs, he looked like he'd been crying. Red puffy eyes, messy hair, fiddling hands, reminds me of me a few months back when Luke took me. I continued to listen to the interrogation.

"So, your full name is Luke Anthony Mark Brooks, am I right?"

"Yes sir."  "You do realise, you are under the arrest of assualt, both physically and sexually, you are also charged for the possession of illegal substances, and let's throw kidnap in there whilst we're at it."  

"Whatever. I just want to see Jade." Luke moaned, "Well, listen here you piece of shit. You are NOT going to see your 'precious babygirl' for another 25 years, your psychotic ways are going to rot in here. Who knows, it could be a life sentence." Luke shook his head like a madman.

Wait, he is a madman.

"This could all end if you testify at the trial, testify that you did all of these things. If you truly love Jade."

This detective really sure knows how to crawl up people's asses, but then the interrogation really started when he brought in all of these girls that he had taken advantage of and were the main reason why he ended up in therapy.

"Little Liyah, you remember when you stalked her home then fucked her out on the alleyway, left her drugged and scarred for life. Poor Janet, when you took her and made her scream her name whilst plowing into her and doping her up at the same time."

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, I couldn't believe Luke doing any of this to any other girls.

"And let's not forget, Little Miss Jade, who just finished filing a report case. I bet you, with your psychotic shit you play, when you spend your life here. You'll just be wanking off to a distant memory."

And that's when Luke lost it.

He grabbed the detective and spat, "If you ever talk bad about my little girl again. I'll slaughter you. I'll slaughter everyone of you watching out there." Luke laughed, he laughed like a maniac. Nurses and docters came in as Luke started to fuck shit up. Kicking the table and chairs, they grabbed him but he kept fighting back whilst laughing.

I turned away, wincing at this scene. I couldn't believe it, any of it. It was too much.

He was crazy, and he was doomed to be even crazier further on in life.

Ayy, I uploaded this chap way too late ikr because I've been wayy to busy with school and writing me and @anikejada new Ronnie Banks fanfic. So yerh

Sue :)

P.S we almost up to 10K reads, please please PLEASE HELP WITH THIS ilySM

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora