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//Jade's P.O.V//

I sprint over to pick up the phone and call back, I was shaking like I just faced the devil. I tried calling back the number but apparently it was on a private number.

"The number you have dialled, is a private number." The machine says through the phone, I put it back in the charger.

"Fuck!" I shouted furiously, whilst running my hands through my hair. I stopped because of the stinging sensation that I felt when me and Luke had our altercation.

I quickly grabbed my drink and my aspirin out of the shopping bag, also collecting my phone.

I reached upstairs and opened my bedroom door.

I really fucked up my bedroom.

I put my drink and pill on my nightstand and put my phone in the charger.

I started to clean my room, but after I finished, I sat on my bed. I got my aspirin and drink, opening the Fanta can, and popping a pill in my mouth before sipping the drink.

As I got up, I wanted to change into my pyjamas.

I changed into shorts and a top, unclipping my bra in the process and putting a vest on. Bras are just fucking irritating.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and washed my face.

I put cold water on my face, looking up at my reflection in the mirror in front of me, I saw that my bruised lip had turned purple. I opened the cupboard next the mirror and pulled out my plaster, I placed it over my massive cut that Luke had given me whilst I gave him a blowjob.

The heroin had started to wear off because I felt so tired and the cold water had sobered me up.

I walked back into my bedroom and sat on my bed.

I turned off the light, and tucked myself into bed.

But reoccurring scenes of today just kept on playing. It was evil, what Ronnie had said. Not only is he helping a pedophile and a kidnapper, he's helping a murderer.

I couldn't keep it in forever, I needed to tell someone, whoever I trust. I sat up in my bed, contemplating whether I should tell someone and face the consequences, or just leave it and let it haunt me.

But in the middle of my thoughts, my phone started to ring. It was Krissy, the same girl who had me testing drugs

And the caller I.D was Krissy, the same person who had me testing out weed for the first time, and my mother had kicked me out and that's how Luke had got me.

I hesitated for a moment, I haven't talked to Krissy ever since then, but you know what? Fuck it.


I picked it up, and answered it, "Hello?" I said whilst biting my nails, "Hey Jade." She said softly.

"Hi Krissy, how are you?" I replied, "Not too bad myself, I heard." She whispered the last part.

"You did?" I whispered back, "Yeah, I'm so sorry." Her voice broke, she was going to cry.

"Sorry for what, Krissy?" I replied, "If I never called you a pussy and if I had never gotten the weed, then your mother would have never ever kicked you out, and you would be fine and your mum would still be alive." She sobbed quietly.

"Hey, Krissy. Don't ever think for a moment that this was all your fault. Everything has a purpose and a reason, maybe Mum was killed for a good reason, maybe I was kidnapped for a good enough reason, everything has a reason. Maybe everything is happening because it has purpose. This could be happening by making us stronger than before, learning from mistakes and growing from them." A tear escaped my eye, she felt bad, and it wasn't even her fault.

kidnapped || l.brooks (DISCONTINUED).Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora