14. Damaged

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Misty's POV

I looked at Nirya as she walked over and rubbed the top of my head proudly at my show of courage, making me close my eyes in bliss as she found the spot just under my ear flaps that I can never reach. I had to consciously stamp down the want to tap a paw on the ground repeatedly at the pleasure.

"So, what is your name dear?" The older lady in hides asked as I looked up at my sister, seeing her light frown as she looked up at the woman. I looked at the woman as well as Nirya finally spoke.

"I don't know my real name, the name given to me by my parents. My name is nothing more than sounds I vaguely remember. But, my name is Nirya." My sister said as the woman smiled.

"Well, Nirya, it is very nice to meet you. I have flown over these parts many times and never seen you here, so, dear, may I ask where you and your sister come from?" Hide lady asked. I tried to remember her name I heard, Val or something.

"Misty and I come of the far, far north, where the land is nothing but snow, ice, and rock. We don't have seasons like you all do of Spring, Summer, and Fall. We have Eternal day, Normal day, and Eternal Night. She and I grew up in a glacier cave, I... I was raised with her, by her mother, my mother, a Frost Fury." Nirya said before gritting her teeth, "I would rather not talk on the events that lead us to here except to say we were forced from our home by a force we could not stop. Maybe one day, when I trust all of you more, I might tell you." Sister said, glaring among the human and dragons. I was surprised to see several dragons of familiar species, yet clearly only relatives of the species in the north that I know.

The large red dragon standing next to the stout boy was clearly a relative of the Frozen Destroyer. Except Frozen Destroyers are often grey, deep grey, blue, or smoky red. The blue and yellow dragon on two paws next to the blonde woman with the axe also reminds me of a Nasty Icicler, even down to the vibrant colors of the scales, though Nasty Iciclers are usually varying shades of Blue, purple, white, grey, and pink. The Gronckle I of course recognized, the babies the big chubby guy was carrying were a surprise. It isn't often you see a hatchling of a two relative species relationship. I would recognize that tiny horn on the snout anywhere on the little blue Gronckle/Ice Chomper mix. How an Ice Chomper even got this far south is another question entirely.

The woman in hides frowned worriedly, the others seemed down as well as I glance among them, "You know of the threat in the far north, don't you? We have been seeing increasing numbers of far northern dragons fleeing south, and now here you are. If you can just tell us what we are up against-" I winced at the woman's words, flashes of the horrors of Bes flashing before my eyes. Nirya firmly pressed her hand on my snout to ground me to reality, always able to sense my fear.

"No, because this is a demon from the spawns of Hel none of you can fight. No one can fight it off. It only stroke of luck any of us have, is that..." Nirya snarled faintly as I pushed up into her hand, sensing my sisters hair trigger temper as she took a deep breath.

"Even if you had thousands of dragons, it would be no use. That spawn from the pits of Hel is a demon of the north, and nothing can stop it. If you were to take a single dragon north to fight it, all you would be doing is giving that monster more power. I know he-" Nirya pointed at Toothless, "-is an Alpha Dragon, yes, I can tell, but even he would not be able to withstand that monster's most deadly attack. So, no, I won't tell you a thing on Bes. Except this: Stay out of the north, or you are walking to your death." Nirya snarled, fiercely enforcing her point as the fat chubby man began to whine in horror.

Silence fell after Nirya's word for several long moments, before the lead man spoke up, stepping forward next to the Alpha, Toothless, who had not stopped watching me as I shyly kept my eyes away from him.

Blizzard Heart and Soul (Toothless x OC)Where stories live. Discover now