32. Helper

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Misty's POV

Sitting carefully in the corner, I nervously glanced around the interior of this strange add on to a hut that doubles as a Blacksmith's Forge. I glanced at my sister looking into the Forge as she held the head of an axe in there with some tongs, watching the metal glow red hot. She does love forging things... I glanced warily at the hulking Viking happily singing while working away on something, I couldn't tell what it was. He's... scary. Not only is he a bulky, large being, he's got a missing leg, a missing hand, and a rock for one of his teeth. I jumped when a sound like something dying filled the Forge.

I looked at the creature such a sound came from. The giant lump of a dragon snoring away on the floor has the oddest of snores... It's a rather interesting dragon, I've never seen anything like it. It looks kind of like a Gronckle... if a Gronckle sat around all day, every day, eating nothing but rocks. The dragon is much bigger than a Gronckle, and fat too. I wonder if it sleeps a lot... I think it's a he, but I'm not sure, the dragon is so flattened to the ground he looks like a fat Gronckle deflated.

I huddled myself more into the corner I found, wrapping my wings about myself as I sat on my back paws, curling my tail tightly around me. This corner is rather nice, offering me comfort for knowing nothing can sneak up on me... it also offered me space from the large lazy dragon. I can only assume his name is Grump, since ten minutes ago the lazy dragon blasted fire without looking at the forge and the Viking called Gobber yelled that name at the dragon as he put the fire out with some strange lever system which released water.

I lifted my head slightly and tilted it as I used my excellent eyesight to my advantage, studying the pieces in the hulking Viking's hand and odd grabbing attachment fixed to his missing hand. I huffed curiously, noting it's leather he's working on. I had a hard time seeing him but I watched curiously as he meticulously cut the leather before using a little pickaxe like thing, punching holes into the edge of the leather with a precision and gentleness you would not expect from the scary large Viking.

I tilted my head out to the side as he shifted, trying to see better because I found this... interesting, whatever he's working on, but he's shifted too much for me to see... I nervously glanced at the sleeping dragon before slowly unwrapping my wings around from myself and gently dropping down on my front paw, wincing a little at the soreness from my paw. I carefully, slowly walked closer, freezing with the one called Grump huffed differently.

I sat to the right and still a good distance away the Viking, watching once more in curiosity as he held the piece up before placing it down to pick up a flat thing with a sharp edge. I watched, tilting my head as he held the sharp edge to the edge of the leather at an angle before beginning to carefully peel off a thin amount to the sides. I huffed quietly in annoyance when he shifted again after finishing that, blocking my view.

I swallowed and cautiously made my way closer to the Viking. Nervously, I quietly laid my head on the table beside him, sniffing the air curiously. I picked up the scent of leather, but not like the kind my sister used sparingly for her projects, the majority was used for her armor, this smelled... different, something oddly sweet about it. I watched in fascination as Gobber picked up thin strips of leather, cut down like string, and somehow began to weave them through the holes he punched into the leather. I have no idea how he's doing that with one hand, but I began to see it take shape as he curved the leather tightening each lace of thin leather. Rather amazing work for someone missing a hand.

He placed down a tool near me without looking. I leaned in a bit more, sniffing the tool curiously as I stared at the unique looking thing, wondering if it has other uses than simply on leather. I watched Gobber curiously as he continued to work on this. He's doing intricate things with leather I never thought possible, creating something rather masterful, a protective gauntlet for a human arm. I've seen Nirya's enough to know that's exactly what that is.

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