17. Berk

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Misty's POV

It was a long flight, being held in the claws of another dragon wasn't pleasant, and it was humiliating to me. Luckily the big dragon named Cloudjumper wasn't too bad, he was surprisingly caring and understanding about this, kind of making me think of an old grandpa among humans.

The other dragons, however...

"Ha, ya, look at her face! You think she's related to Toothless with a face like that? Toothless' head is round, and slightly diamond shaped, eyes more pointed forward. That dragon? Her head is shaped like the arrowheads our riders love to shove into their helmets. And look at those ears! I think she's more related to Stormfly than Toothless." The right head, Barf, continued to add on as the left head, Belch, nodded enthusiastically.

"She is not related to me." Stormfly, the pretty blue and gold dragon, added in bland annoyance and... did I detect disgust? I didn't looked up from watching the ocean below, pretending not to listen to these dragons babble on about me when in reality I was taking several painful hits to my already non-existent ego.

I know I can never be as pretty and as strong as my mother, this only just proved that fact even more... I'll never fit in with these dragons, if Nirya chooses to stay, I will always be the outcast, the oddity...

"Hey, hey, who's to say she isn't related to Toothless? I wouldn't mind that, would you? Hey, babe, you got some nice shine on those scales, wash them often?" The giant red dragon said as I flinched away from him, my mind replaying imaged of a grey version of the same dragon biting through my paw and ripping it to shreds. The icy cold feeling of that dragon's teeth ripping through scales will be forever burned into my memory.

"Hey, Hookfang, be kind to the dear, would you? Can't you see she is afraid of you? None of you are making a very good first impression to the poor dear. She's been though quite the ordeal, and she needs patient, caring people and dragons around her. Hi, my name is Meatlug, I am the more kind dragon of the group, maybe we can get to know each other, share some stories-" Meatlug began to say as I looked up at the tan colored Gronckle and, like an idiot, blurted the first thing that came to my mind.

"You mated with an Ice Chomper?" I asked, then snapped my jaws shut and looked down once more, embarrassed at my blurted words. My Thor... I should have just kept being quiet, I have spoken to so few dragons before...

Silence fell for a moment with a few snickers among the dragons, only embarrassing me more as I flattened my ears to my neck, wishing I could dig myself a hole and bury myself in it.

"Yes, I did, he was running from the north too, just like you... and he is so strong, he lifted a destroyed building off of me when I couldn't get free, and he didn't even know me. I knew, in that moment, he was the mate for me, no matter our differences. Fishlegs adores him, my mate, and had a small shelter built for my growing family beside his house. Fishlegs named him Quartzlug, due to his white coloration." Meatlug said as I looked up at her, then up at the fat man sitting on the saddle on her back, singing a lullaby to the blue colored Gronckle/Ice Chomper mix hatchling.

I looked away, feeling awkward at watching that.

"All of you, shut it." A deep voiced dragon grunted as I glanced at the beetle like dragon, seeing him looking forward, focused.

"Oh, like you have much to say, Skullcrusher, you have been so focused on helping Eret adjust that you have no time to help another dragon and human adjust to how we lived so shut it." Stormfly said angrily at the large dragon as I glanced nervously at Stormfly, seeing her as a bit of a show off, though I would never admit that aloud, clearly she has quite the temper.

Skullcrusher turned his head slowly to look at Stormfly and just blinked, a slight snarl visible on his face but not a sound of his anger entered his tone.

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