33. Hide

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Misty's POV

Nirya tried so much over the following days to get me to leave the hut, but I never budged. No matter how hard she tried I didn't leave. The only time I even stepped a paw outside the hut was in the middle of the night when Nirya was asleep to do necessities I can't do inside the hut. Days upon days have passed this way, and I am determined to never leave the hut where a dragon can see me again. Maybe one day they will forget I'm here, and Toothless can't banish me if he doesn't remember I'm here...

I was horrified and ashamed of myself, Toothless saw me at my absolute worst, at my weakest. He saw me lost in the agony of my own failures, failures that come back to haunt me and force me to relive them. I was doing so good of hiding just how truly weak I am... and now...

Now the one dragon I wanted to appear strong to knows I am horribly broken.

I didn't do much in those days, terror, horror, fear, and pain ripping my world apart. My own sister, Nirya, couldn't handle being around it. In the past, when things got this bad, she couldn't help and it terrified her. Mother was the only one who ever brought me back from moments like this...

And she's gone, I will never see my mother's reassuring and strong purple eyes, ever again...

I tried my best to do some things for my sister. I carved furniture of the wood logs she got from somewhere and arranged them in the room, I sanded the floor around where Toothless blew up the old guy's rock bed, I worked on the structure in the back of the hut and began building the second floor in the cave area.

But most of my time was spent in that dark corner, curled up and staring in horror at the distant wall. I knew, when Nirya was gone, that other dragons stopped by and rapped at the door with their claws... I just need them to forget I'm here, one day they will stop visiting, then I'll need to wait a bit longer... but eventually they will forget I'm here. Out of sight, out of mind. It worried me the amount of times I detected Toothless' scent before those raps of claws, though over the days it gradually declined, to my relief.

I never answered. What hope did I have to become a part of this society of dragons? Stormfly has already shown that, beyond a few dragons, most of Berk sees me as pathetic and weak. I saw that for myself in the tunnels. What hope did I have when the population of this colony sees me as weak, and laughs at me? I only further destroy Toothless' image being what I am. It's for the best I never try again to join the colony. I curled up tighter into a ball at these thoughts, wanting to shut out the world. The only reason I don't give up and give in to the agony that has torn my world apart... is Nirya. I can't leave my sister, she's all I have... But I don't think I will leave the hut ever again.

I smelled the scent of Toothless again as claws rapped on the door. I ignored them once more, sadness ripping through me. The claws lightly rapped again. I still ignored them, why does he keep returning anyways? Can't he see what a deplorable definition of my species, of the Fury name, I am? Why does he care?

The claws rapped again as I placed my paws over my ears and tried hiding from the world.

I heard something drop to the ground outside before the scent of Toothless faded again, catching my attention. I removed my paws from my ears and warily looked at the door before I stood and cautiously approached it. Very cautiously, I nosed open the door a hair to peek outside, making sure Toothless is gone before I fully opened it, his scent faded. I blinked at what I saw. It was just a simple basket... but I could smell all the fish I picked out of the feeding bowl that day of the tour inside. I nosed the door open more, looking around in confusion, seeing nothing else. I sniffed the basket and noticed a note on top, clearly written by Hiccup.

I nose the note open and read it.

'I have been told by your sister you can read, which is truly astonishing and shows you are far more brilliant than most dragons. Toothless has been horribly worried he scared you the other day. Your sister explained your flashbacks to me and Toothless... I am truly sorry that is something you have to deal with, we all have scars we wish to hide from the world. Anyways, Toothless has been digging through his fish all day for each of these specific fish to give to you, as an apology for scaring you. I wrote this to also say that me, Gobber, and your sister have a surprise for you at the Forge once you are done eating. Please don't keep hiding up there, really you will enjoy this surprise. -Hiccup' I slowly read before looking around once more, my heart sinking.

Oh... now I feel worse. Toothless thinks he terrified me, and has been trying to apologize this whole time while I have been wallowing in how weak and pathetic I am.

Now I feel horrible. I really never can do anything right, can I?

I grabbed the strap of the basket and pulled it through the door, flipping it open to see all the fish I chose that day in the basket. My heart sank at how much Toothless was trying to apologize.

I have to make it up to him, somehow. First though, since he spent 'all day' digging through his own fish baskets, I won't let his effort go to waste. I ate every last fish, shocked to realize how starving I was, I haven't been eating much in my time wallowing. I emptied the basket completely. I picked it up by the handle in it and stood, unsure of this but I wanted to let Toothless know he didn't scare me and to show my gratitude for the fish.

I nosed open the door and stepped out, sniffing the air and looking towards the forest. The trail of Toothless' scent goes off towards the village. I walked, rather hobbled but hobbled better than before I started wallowing, my paw is doing much better now with the time spent not walking everywhere. I made my way down the path and the hill... spotting Toothless sitting there at the exit of the path into the village, looking up the path.

He looked up and spotted me, raising a paw slightly like he planned to step back, further causing me pain that I did this. I came to a stop before him, hardly able to meet his eyes as I placed down the basket, my heart sinking even more as he stepped back. I met his eyes and saw the worry and the anger at himself in those surprisingly expressive eyes. He looked worse than me, his ears flattened to his head, his body tense like he planned to back away quickly to give me space if I even breathe wrong...

This seems very out of character for the Night Fury I have begun to get to know. He usually seems so confident and a little goofy, intelligent and kind... not wary and afraid, not of others, but of others fearing him. I can't let him go on believing that, clearly it hits quite the wound he has on something and I hate to hurt him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered sadly as I keep my eyes on his, seeing him blink in shock.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who didn't handle what you were going through right, I should have just gone and got your sister instead of scaring you half to death." Toothless grumbled. I sighed and looked away, knowing that, to prove to him it isn't his fault, I needed to confess the real truth.

"No, Toothless, you didn't scare me. I'm sorry, because of how I reacted, to you seeing me having a flashback. I don't... I never wanted anyone to know that I have flashbacks, already several of the dragons here see me as weak. I didn't... I didn't want you to see that." I whispered. Silence remained for several long moments before I heard Toothless sigh.

"Misty, I don't see someone weak. I see a dragon that has fought through a near impossible ordeal and survived with the scars to prove it. A dragon who not only kept themselves alive, but also their smaller human sister. I don't see someone weak, Misty, I see someone who's strong and doesn't see it." Toothless said. I kept my eyes away from him for a long moment before glancing at him in shock at his words. He stared at me with the goofiest looking grinning human smile on his face as, against my better wishes, I burst out laughing, unable to control it. I raised my bad paw over my snout, laughing harder as he smiled even goofier!

I laughed so hard I ended up stumbling and collapsing into the thin half melted snow from laughter, how can he make such a silly expression?

"Now that's better than being sad, now, isn't it? Come on! Hiccup and Nirya and Gobber have something great to show you!" Toothless said excitedly as he jumped in place like a puppy. I stood, still laughing pretty hard as I blurted out words without thinking again, but I didn't feel as bad about it this time.

"What are you, an Alpha or a puppy?" I giggled as Toothless stopped wiggling in place for a second, making me feel a little guilty as I ducked my head slightly, ears drooping in worry that I insulted him...

Then Toothless grinned his hilarious draconic human like grin.

"I'm both." Toothless joked. I burst out laughing again, following him down the hill, grinning and laughing as he continued to act completely silly all the way to the forge, making me feel better and better.

Maybe... maybe I have a chance of being a part of the colony.

Hey, readers! Long time no see, but that's mostly because of me lol. If you are a reader who read this story originally several months ago, I'd suggest going back to the beginning and re-reading. I've done both minor and major changes in the past 2 months to all already published chapters. But here you go, enjoy!

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