48. Venom

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Nirya's POV

Eret and Skullcrusher led me along the path to a rather remarkable piece of human ingenuity. How they got the water in that bowl shaped pit I will never know, I wondered what the purpose of water in there served as but I wasn't about to ask. It was getting darker with incoming cold rain beginning to pour down, but I wasn't bothered. Heck, Blizzards of the north are a thousand times worse than cold rain and I dealt with them daily.

"Hiccup said the dragon was down here... oh, there it is." Eret said. He stopped in front of a pin built into the cliffside. I looked in curiously, seeing some icy mist falling, yet clearly that is running out as I studied the blast my sister left in the wall, sad at the sight of her small blast. Probably took everything she had. There was a bowl carved from rock holding a few fish and some water in there too. I cautiously studied the dragon, intrigued by the signs of some sort of amber material laying around him, clearly something he was incased in and then was removed from the dragon. I wouldn't be surprised if Toothless, as the Alpha, ordered it to not attack others.

I never got a chance to study up close the affects of Bes' venom, nor it's possible cure. I knew it would take something completely unique and powerful to undo the damage that venom does to a dragon. I knew better than to get any of that venom on my hands, I've seen it kill humans in under a minute. There had to be a cure to Bes' venom, though I am unsure of what it is. Luckily this dragon is no longer under Bes' control, but rather the Alpha's now. I carefully undid the latch, Eret reached out as though to stop me. I slipped in, keeping the door locked behind me.

"Uh, Nirya? I'm not sure that's a good idea!" Eret said worriedly. I held up a hand, to which he fell silent. The weakened dragon opened an eye and whined at me, the eye blank and dull of life like all of Bes' victims. I fell to all fours, uncaring of Eret watching as I cautiously crawled closer to the dragon, crooning softly to calm it as it... Ah, longer horns, as he calmed and stared at me blankly. Clearly, though the mind is suppressed, the instincts themselves are not, so the venom does not cause complete shut off of the mind. But there is no personality here, no fear or happiness or sadness. Just instincts, nothing else. I knew I couldn't get this dragon to communicate with me.

I calmed him with soothing words as I pulled out a jar, very carefully studying it's heated hide. Thern I saw burned rings of scales, hidden very well under the horns. I kept crooning, seeing dull green liquid at the sight that had neither dried nor moved. They were grossly in pustules, small but in the rings of burned flesh. It wasn't as brilliant in color and sizzling as I remember Bes' venom being like. At first I thought it was acid, yet clearly it isn't. I continued to croon to the dragon, before I carefully pulled out a tool and set the lip of the jar near one, the dragon actually seeming asleep now. I very, very carefully used the pointed tip of the tool to pop the pustule.

It was a relief the dragon didn't freak out as the green liquid went from the pustule straight into the jar. I kept carefully popping each bubble, thankfully the liquid didn't sizzle like fresh venom does from Bes. I emptied them into the jar until I didn't see any more of them. I capped the jar, carefully placing it far away from me so the dragon didn't shift and cover me with it. I removed a jar of ground fine herbs from my satchel and gently sprinkled it over the area, the dragon grumbling in relief to the pain that no doubt causes. I carefully picked up the jar like I was holding a giant gunpowder keg set to explode. I stepped out and locked the gate again, keeping the jar away from me and I delicately held it.

"Do you know where Hiccup is? I think this needs to be put somewhere safe for an antivenom to be created... and whomever creates it must be very, very careful. I saw this venom kill a human in less than a minute from a mere drop." I said. Eret quickly stepped back from me, Skullcrusher following his example and keeping his distance from the highly dangerous jar.

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