55. Flight With You

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Misty's POV

I stood on my back paws, wings stretched out slightly as I felt the wind against my scales, sighing as I heard the thunder rattle the earth around me. It's an extremely stormy day here on Berk, and I'm reveling in it. The ice and snow pelting my scales, the winds buffeting against me... Ah it felt like home. All the humans are inside their huts, and very few dragons are out today. I've noticed a few northern dragons gleefully dancing through the blizzard like storm... 

Including one Blizzard Blaster on his way to recovery. After weeks of the poor dragon suffering under Bes' venom effects... he finally recovered. He's stuck with a group of Monstrous Nightmares who took him in like one of their own.... especially after we learned the Blizzard Blaster doesn't remember anything. He doesn't remember his home, his family, or much beyond the natural instincts of a Blizzard Blaster. The Monstrous Nightmares have been a great help to him...

I watched the Blizzard Blaster dive through the clouds with the only Frozen Destroyer on Berk right on his tail, making sure he's okay in the storm. I've heard from Toothless and a few other's the Frozen Destroyer, name oddly Fredo by a kid in Fishlegs' classes, is a kind hearted soul trying to help all Northern Dragons integrate into southern life.

Apparently he was the first Northern Dragon to show up on Berk. As many nice things as I've heard on him... I can't approach him, can't even look at him without feeling the agony in my paw and remembering the taste of blood in my mouth, and the sound of cracking bones. So I've never gone anywhere within 40 feet of the dragon Fredo... It's almost like he knew he terrified me, because he never tried approaching me.

I closed my eyes, pretending to be flying myself through the storm... though it's a poor substitute for the bliss of being caught in the swirling winds of thundersnow or a good old blizzard. I pretended though, arching my wings in different way like I was turning in the air, rising, or diving.

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

I sighed as I dropped down onto my paws, sitting on the post as I knew those wingbeats pretty well by now. Glancing to my right, I watched as Toothless and... Cloudjumper landed on the perch on either side of me. Thank Thor I decided to do this on the massive perch, the other's would have given out at our combined weight.

"Good Morning Misty, though you really can't tell if it's morning with this weather. Won't be our typical walk around the village breaking up disputes day." Toothless said as I laughed.

"Clearly you are unaware that all Northern dragons consider this an average day. I saw Blaze and Fredo flying through the clouds just a bit ago." I said, Blaze being the name given to the Blizzard Blaster, which is an ironic name for a northern dragon but Blizzard Blaster's are one of the few species of the north that breathe fire. Hiccup and Fishlegs apparently decided to create an entire new class of dragon for the Book of Dragons they are rewriting, or at least that is what I heard while laying down in the snow on the Dragon Training arena. I grew bored as Hiccup and Fishlegs studied me while I was being lazy so I just curled up on the snow drift from a recent snow.

They decided to name it Ice Class. And, in the knew Book Of Dragons, I'm technically classified as both a Strike Class and Ice Class dragon, though Nirya did explain to them my blast start out the same as Toothless' and change while in the air. Still, since my breath naturally does end in being ice, I was added as an Ice Class dragon. I know they have been discussing with Nirya on the Northern dragons and their types while bending and fitting parts to my wing for the prosthetic, doing their best to add them in their new Book Of Dragons they are working on.

"Well, let us hope the weather calms down in the next month, soo we will have the Dragon Races, and after that is Hiccup and Astrid's wedding. Hiccup has told me all of the Archepelego Chief's and Chieftess' have replied that they will be present for the wedding. Including our allies From Wingmaiden Island, the Defenders of The Wing, and the small colony on Dragon's Edge, which is developing into a second village part of Berk. I know Hiccup is discussing who to place as acting Chief on the island, which will be an extension of Berk. The island will be packed the day Hiccup and Astrid gets married, with both people and dragons. Speaking of which, Cloudjumper, do we have extra stables in the tunnels for the additional dragons that will be on the island during the month celebration of Hiccup and Astrid's marriage?" Toothless asked Cloudjumper as I looked at Toothless with wide eyes.

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