36. Walking and Running!

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Misty's POV

I was over the moon as, after showing Hiccup and Gobber my gratitude, I was bouncing excitedly around the Forge, glee filling me. I could actually truly walk again! I could tell it would still take time getting used to. But my sister must have known the support on the charred side of the missing point of my paw would need soft support, the short cut fur keeping it from irritating my skin, especially as there is no scales on that area. I walked around the Forge several times, bouncing in my excitement much like snow foxes in the north.

I looked at the door, wondering if I can run too... should I tempt fate like that?

"Come on, I'll make sure you don't fall." Toothless said nudging me before he walked to the door and nosed it open, holding it open with a wing as he looked at me. I grinned excitedly as I jumped up and walked out the door quickly, stumbling a few times in my haste before catching myself. Nirya is amazing in designing and making two claws as close to my original claws as she could, they are helping on me keeping my balance. Toothless came to stand by me once we were outside. I looked at the road that would have taken me 10 minutes of hobbling and stumbling to get down as I looked at Toothless with wide eyes as he gestured with a paw.

"Well, go on then. I'm right beside you. Like I said, I won't let you fall." Toothless said, thought he didn't need to reassure me, I trust him to not let me fall.

I looked at the road before I pushed off with my paws, exhilarated to be able to do that again as I ran, speeding up. A human walking out with a basket of bread stopped, letting us pass on by. I laughed in glee, the wind rushing past my face, once again the speed of the Frost Fury within me. I pushed myself, even though my left paw is protesting, it hasn't had to do so much in months. I was still in over the moon as I raced over the road at speeds normal dragons can't do, glancing at Toothless with wide eyes as he ran beside me. I laughed even more at him running with his tongue flapping out at the wind, like a puppy.

I felt free once more, like I could leap into the skies once again and take flight. But, soon the muscles in my left paw started to protest a little too much. I stumbled and slowed down, sadly rolling over from that stumble and into a cart, that broke into tinder from my weight and speed. Ow, okay that kind of hurt...

"Hey!" A male human shouted while I was struggling to pull myself free of the debris of the cart, shaking off the wood chips and boards covering me. I ducked my head, ears flattening to my head in shame at destroying this guy's property. Toothless laughed as he looked back behind us, seeing Nirya, Hiccup, and Astrid running this way after us.

"I am sorry, sir, this is her first time truly walking for three months now, she was just a little overexcited, I'll repair your cart, okay?" Nirya said to the male as he looked at me sitting there with my head lowered sheepishly before huffing and grinning.

"Ah, it's fine, I remember all the times Toothless and Hiccup crashed into houses! Good ta see the new dragon in town gets ta enjoy running again. If you could repair my cart though that would be greatly appreciated." The Viking said, nodding to me and my sister as he walked over to the remains of the cart I destroyed. Nirya sighed and shook her head at me before grinning as she patted my cheek, but I was looking at Toothless who refused to look at the villager in question.

"So... ran into a lot of houses huh?" I asked, trying to sound teasing... but it came out more awkward as Toothless glanced at me and then up at the sky.

"No, it was entirely his fault." Toothless said, pointing a claw at Hiccup. Like Hiccup could read his mind, he scowled at Toothless.

"Hey, now, don't start blaming me for the houses we crashed into, you were just as equally at fault!" Hiccup said. I laughed, joy filling me at being able to walk again. I watched in amusement as Toothless teasingly tackled Hiccup and the two play fought like brothers, reminding me a lot of Nirya and I play fighting. Nirya was laughing as well as I looked at my sister and met her pale green-blue eyes, both of us silently agreed.

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