57. Hello again, Wind and Sky

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Misty's POV

"Go on, Misty, try again." Toothless said as I looked at him, uncomfortable. We are in the Cove again, but Toothless has also been encouraging me to glide in the Cove and gain the strength back in my wing, preparing me for taking flight again...


Without a part of my wing, it's been going awkwardly. I have tumbled into the lake more times than I could count.

"Is this really helping?" I mumbled, looking at my paws as Toothless huffed. I shyly glanced at him, meeting his kind and understand green eyes, mesmerizing they can be... I forced myself to look away, finding that, since my revelation while... while he took me for a flight... Since I realized what I feel for him, it's become much harder to avoid staring at him. Though that could be the beginning of the season talking too. But I can't deny, even though he is a Night Fury and I'm a Frost Fury... he's very attractive to me. Which, I guess shouldn't be surprising. Look at Meatlug and Quartzlug. And, due to the influx of Northern Dragons, they aren't the only Northern and Southern species of the same line of dragons that have become friendly, and possibly considering becoming mates in the upcoming season...

Which is... scarily close. And my first too... I just hope I don't accidentally make a fool of myself. I'm a bit terrified, as the season officially begins in less than a moon and a half, which is really not far away.

"It is. You need to build up the strength in that wing again. I get the you move it a lot, but have you done the hard flaps you need for vertical take off? Or have you stretched the wing to it's max for gliding, moved the joints in the positions you would for turns, or controlled diving? You have been stuck to the ground for two months now, Misty, and before that got only a mere weeks of flying in before the first prototype Nirya made you broke. You need to keep your strength up. Now go again, tuck your right wing in more and stretch the left one out completely, you should be able to glide a small distance." Toothless said as I sighed.

Honestly, it's more like I'm doing long jumps into the air. I can't keep myself stable enough to be gliding really. Taking a deep breath, I stood and ran forward towards the lake, lifting my front paws off of the ground and using my back paws as a spring since my front paws can't give me that momentum anymore. If felt... awkward to tuck my right wing in more but stretch my left out. I have always trusted my wings and the wind to guide me... now I'm having to actively think about it and keep my wings under my control. I awkwardly flapped them, cringing as I felt myself beginning to flop to the left... I tried, tucking my right wing in more as I scrambled to try holding my balance...

Yet, like every time I've attempted this, I couldn't hold my balance in the air.

I sputtered as I crashed like a flopping fish into the water, hardly the easy way I used to be able to do it from the top of a cliff, where I could dive head first into the water and hardly leave a wave, and catch several fish too. Splashing in the water to right myself, I raised my head out of the water and shook it, my ears clattering a little against each other. I cringed, looking at Toothless in apology to see him shaking his head from the light disorientation.

"Sorry." I said as I swam to the shore, crawling out of the lake and back onto land. Toothless looked up at me, squinting slightly.

"You didn't intend to do it, I understand." Toothless said as I studied him, trying not to study how muscly he is... But I can't deny Toothless is a very, very fit dragon. I studied him because he isn't seeming unstable on his feet?

"Um... how are you standing? I didn't intend to do that but um... most I accidentally do that to end up falling over." I mumbled as Toothless rumbled with a draconic laugh.

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