Wisdom Teeth - Okuyasu x Reader

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Requested by @groomingduck656

Warnings: None


"Is it gonna hurt?"

The group collectively groaned, not wanting to answer this question again. It was the fifth time he'd asked in the past ten minutes. The answer never changed, despite how much he hoped it would.

"Yes, Okuyasu," Josuke sighed, "it's probably gonna hurt."

Okuyasu winced, his hands flying up to hold his face.

"You'll be fine," you promised, putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling. "It's a super common procedure. And you'll be on anesthesia so you probably won't feel a thing!"

"But I don't want them to take out my teeth," he complained. "I'm gonna lose all my wisdom!"

You turned your head to blankly stare at the rest of your friends. They all stared back, blinking slowly as if that would make the statement any less stupid. If taking out those teeth would also take out his wisdom, you were all worried about what would happen.

"Your wisdom will be fine," Koichi reassured after a moment.

Okuyasu breathed out a sigh of relief just as the bell rang to signal the end of lunch. Your ears perked up and you grabbed your bag, turning to Okuyasu once more before leaving.

"Good luck!" You mused.

You turned away just before Okuyasu's cheeks turned pink. He had harbored a secret crush on you for a couple months now, and he hated acting so scared in front of you. Determined to be brave, he puffed out his chest before picking up his school bag and heading off in the opposite direction.

The hours slowly ticked by and you tapped your pencil on your desk. You stole a glance at the clock on the wall. 2:15. Okuyasu would be on his way to his appointment now. You remembered how scared he had seemed and smiled. He was really adorable.

Time continued to pass and you continued to check the clock. 2:30 - he should be at the dentist's office now. 2:45 - the start of his appointment. 3:00 - he should be knee-deep in pain right about now.

You winced as you thought of the procedure required to take out his wisdom teeth. You were fortunate enough not to have had yours removed yet, so you could only assume the pain.

School ended a little while later and you finally headed home. As soon as you were back, you flopped down on your bed, settling into the plush covers to take a much needed nap.

Then your phone rang.

You grumbled and begrudgingly got out of bed. Trudging your way down the hall, you finally made it to the obnoxiously loud landline. You picked it up and pressed the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" You whined, rubbing your eyes.

"(Y/N)," a slurred voice spoke into the phone, "You picked up! Yay!"

Your eyes widened when you heard the person speak. "Okuyasu? Is that you?"

"Of course, it's me!"

You smiled as you listened to his voice through the phone. You could tell there were gauze in his mouth that were muffling the sound of his voice. He was also giggling periodically, likely the effect of the laughing gas he had been put on.

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