{NSFW} My First - Jolyne x Reader

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Requested by @rice_cult_leader

This one shot is sort of a continuation of the last Jolyne one, but you don't need to read that one to understand this.

Warnings: Mmmmm Jolyne lemon. Yes please!


You and Jolyne had been dating for several months now after your mutual feelings for each other were revealed during a sleepover. Your friends feigned disgust whenever you would hang out in groups and fawn over each other, though you knew deep down that they were happy for you.

"Will you two stop being so..." Hermès began.

"Amazing?" You asked.

"Adorable?" Jolyne prompted.

"Annoying," Hermès finished with an eye roll.

You and Jolyne laughed and she shifted slightly in your lap, the momentary movement leaving her vulnerable. You attacked her neck with soft kisses, tickling her skin until she giggled. Anasui frowned slightly, though neither of you noticed.

"Anyway..." Hermès continued, "what movie should we see tonight?"

"I'm down for whatever," Foo Fighters responded with a shrug. Weather Report agreed with a silent nod.

"Well, someone has to suggest something," Hermès complained.

"What about a romance movie?" Jolyne suggested, waggling her eyebrows at you.

"Definitely not," Anasui protested.

You and Jolyne giggled as you tightened your grip around her waist. How shameless she was about your relationship was surprising, but you didn't exactly mind.

The only limit you two had was how much PDA was too much PDA. You had told Jolyne you felt uncomfortable making out in public after she had tried to prolong a simple kiss a bit too long for your liking. She agreed, of course, not wanting to upset you.

Besides, it hardly mattered what you did in public when everything you did privately was so much better.

Though, surprisingly, you and Jolyne had never had sex. You weren't sure how to broach the subject with her, and weren't sure if she even wanted to. Unbeknownst to you, she felt the exact same way. The two of you suffered in horny silence whenever your make out sessions would end with no real action.

Eventually, you all agreed on an action movie: some superhero film that you didn't really care about. You bought popcorn for you and Jolyne to share, as well as a water. She thanked you happily as she attempted to fend off Foo Fighters' grabby hands that were dead set on your water bottle.

Your friend group took up nearly an entire row in the movie theater, you and Jolyne on the very end, closest to the aisle. The movie started and the lights dimmed. You stuffed your face with popcorn as the actors on screen transformed from ordinary men into superhero's.

You quickly lost interest in the movie when you reached into the popcorn tub at the same time as Jolyne, your hands brushing for a moment. You looked over at her and she smiled. Quickly, she laced her fingers with yours and pulled your hands out of the bucket. You blushed deeply and tried your best to focus on the movie.

JJBA x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now