Strength - Dio Brando x Reader

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Warnings: Minor violence


You and Jonathan Joestar had always been the best of friends. Ever since birth, your parents were very close, which brought the two of you together by association. The friendship never seemed forced, though, as your delightfully positive personalities went together like peanut butter and jelly.

When you learned that the Joestar family was going to be taking in another boy your same age, you and Jonathan were both excited to meet him. You hoped that your duo could grow into an unstoppable trio. Those dreams were short lived, however, when Dio Brando arrived and turned Jonathan's life upside down.

Despite Dio's terrible behavior, your optimistic outlook always had you looking for the best in people. Even Jonathan's own optimism was no match for yours. You were a breath of fresh air to everyone around you, including Jonathan, who's emotions would sometimes get the best of him.

As you and Jonathan sat beneath a tree, sharing a delightful picnic in the shade, Jonathan would release the emotions he kept hidden from everyone else, including his father.

"Dio just makes me so..." Jonathan said through gritted teeth, clenching his fists in anger.

"Don't be too hard on him. He comes from a rough life," you empathized. Jonathan let out a sigh in response.

"I know," he said back. Jonathan had always lived a good life (aside from losing his mother at a young age) and so he often forgot the troubles Dio had been through in the past.

"Dio just doesn't know how to handle this life," you told Jonathan, placing a hand on his arm in an effort to get him to listen to your words.

"On the contrary, I believe I'm handling it just fine," Dio said, surprising you both as he finally emerged from the other side of the tree.

"How long were you listening?" Jonathan asked, fear lacing his words.

"Long enough to learn how you truly feel about me, dear brother," Dio spat.

"Dio..." Jonathan began, ready to apologize. Before he could say another word, however, Dio slapped him across his face. You let out a loud gasp and covered your open mouth with your hands in shock. Dio turned to you and glared, just now remembering you were there.

"And you, you wench," Dio said angrily, stooping down to your seated position and grabbing the collar of your dress, "don't think even for a second that you have me figured out. You know nothing!"

He released your collar as he shoved you backwards. You fell flat on your back and winced from the unexpected pain. You sat back up just in time to watch Dio stalking off towards the Joestar mansion.

"Are you alright?" Jonathan asked.

"I'm fine. But what about you?" You asked him. You placed your hand on his cheek, right over top of the red spot that had begun to form in the shape of Dio's hand.

Dio had been able to put a considerable distance between the two of you and himself in the short time since he had left, but not a large enough distance to drown out your voices. He cursed under his breath at your selflessness. How annoying.

You were Dio's complete opposite; sweet and caring, everything he vowed he would never be. The way you immediately put aside your own wellbeing to care for Jonathan put a nasty taste in Dio's mouth. Shouldn't you be more concerned about your own pain? He rolled his eyes and continued walking towards the mansion.

Time passed, and though Dio never eased up on his despicable antics, you still tried to see the best in him. It wasn't until Dio stole Erina's first kiss that you decided you had had enough. You pounded on the door of the Joestar mansion, determined to set Dio straight.

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