Mission with Passione - Bruno x Reader

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Warnings: none


You had been on several missions before within the Passione organization, you had just never been on a mission with Bruno Bucciaratti and his team.

Upon entering Libeccio, a small restaurant hidden in plain sight, you were greeted by a man dressed in an unusual white suit.

"This way," the man prompted, not wasting any time leading you to a back room with a single table. Seated around the table were four other people whom you assumed were the other members of his team.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N). She'll be assisting us with our next mission," the man that had led you there told the rest of the group.

"Come on, Bruno, you know we don't need any help," a small boy wearing an orange headband said. So the man in white was Bruno, the head of the team. Good to know.

"Shut it, Narancia," said another boy dressed in a blue top and an unusual red hat as he jabbed the other boy in the ribs with his elbow. "I certainly don't mind her joining," the boy continued, smirking slightly in your direction.

"Be professional," said the stoic one in the corner. His arms remained folded across his chest and he never even looked up as he addressed the others.

"I apologize for my team, (Y/N). They can be a bit... much sometimes," Bruno said as he turned to face you.

"It's no trouble," you reassured, though the slight stares you were receiving from the boys seated at the table were beginning to make you uncomfortable.

"Please, have a seat," Bruno said charmingly as he pulled out a chair for you. You happily accepted and sat down, Bruno soon after pushing your chair in the rest of the way. He took the seat next to you and began to speak about the mission.

Of course, you were already well aware of what the mission entailed considering you were transferred here specifically for it. Realizing you didn't need to pay attention, you decided to take in your surroundings. You looked around the restaurant absentmindedly and glanced at each of the other people around the table in turn, your gaze finally landing on Bruno.

You watched him as he spoke, hardly paying you any mind as he addressed the others. You admired his 'take charge' attitude and dedication. His eyes lit up as he spoke passionately about the jobs each person would have to carry out and you couldn't help but admire him. Not to mention, he was incredibly handsome. His style was definitely unique, but it suited him well. You slowly began to zone out as you watched his lips move while he spoke.

"And that's where (Y/N) and I come in," Bruno said, snapping you out of your daydream.

"Huh?" You asked, startled at the sudden mention of your name.

"Were you even listening?" The serious man in the corner asked.

"Of course I was," you lied, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Lighten up, Abbacchio," Bruno scolded, earning nothing more than a scoff in reply. "We'll be doing surveillance for the next few days," Bruno continued, "so we can plan the most accurate method of attack."

"Boy am I glad I didn't get stuck with that boring job," the boy in the hat said, leaning backwards in his chair. Bruno simply rolled his eyes at him.

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