Braces - Josuke x Reader

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Requested by @Kekrita

Warnings: none


"Come on! Show us," Okuyasu pleaded.

"Nuh-uh. No way," you insisted, using your hands to cover your mouth as you spoke.

"Please," Koichi whined. He held his hands together to imitate a prayer and you chuckled slightly.

"I told you! I'm not gonna show you!" You repeated.

Your three friends grumbled in annoyance at your refusal. Your hands stayed over your mouth, blocking their view of the braces you had just had put on your teeth yesterday. Your mouth ached due to the unfamiliar strain, but what hurt worse was your self-esteem.

You felt so embarrassed to have to have gotten braces at your age. You were furious that your parents had waited so long, and furious that your dentist hadn't insisted harder at an earlier age. Now, you were in high school with a fresh set of braces. Talk about lame.

Your friends didn't care that you had gotten braces so late, they just wanted to see them! They continued their begging until the school bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period.

"You didn't even eat," Josuke commented, gesturing towards your full bento box.

"The braces make it too difficult to eat right now," you explained. That was only half of the explanation, as the other half was that you didn't want them to accidentally catch a glimpse of the shiny metal in your mouth as you put food in.

You gathered your things, pressing your lips tightly together to conceal your braces from your friends. They all begged and pleaded for you to show them as you walked to your next class.

"I told you no!" You almost shouted, a hand covering your mouth again as you spoke.

"Geez, so touchy," Okuyasu joked. He waved goodbye to you as he went to his next class, Koichi leaving soon after to make his way to his.

You and Josuke had your next class together so you both walked side by side down the hall. You continued to chat, your hand in front of your face the entire time.

You finally reached your class and took your seat in the second to last row. The bell rang and not a moment later the teacher started teaching the lesson. You scribbled down notes furiously, sticking your tongue out of your mouth as you concentrated.

Josuke sat nearby; one row behind you and slightly to the left. His seat allowed him a perfect view of you every day during this class. Maybe it was because of this that he had begun to develop feelings for you.

Josuke had always seen you as a friend before, and one of his best friends, at that. It wasn't until he was seated right behind you, looking at you every single day, that he began to notice how beautiful you were. Josuke had always thought you were attractive, even when you were nothing more than his friend, but he recognized your beauty even more when it was staring him right in the face.

He had come to admire your quirky mannerisms, like the way you stuck your tongue out as you wrote or how you would twiddle your thumbs every time you were called on to answer a question. Only half paying attention to taking his own notes, he stole glances at you now, your tongue poking out of your mouth in the way he knew it would be.

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