Rejection - Joseph x Reader

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Warnings: none


"What was that all about?" You asked Joseph in exasperation.

"What?" He asked in reply.

"With that girl! She was totally beautiful and you just flat out rejected her," you said in almost disbelief.

Joseph just shrugged.

"Oh come on," you said, "why would you do that?"

"I don't know. Now can we drop it?" Joseph said, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket and continuing the walk towards the docks.

"Fine. But pretty soon you're gonna have to stop being so picky and settle down," you told him as you picked up your pace to walk alongside him. The rest of the walk back to the docks was silent and awkward.

"Have a nice time?" Caesar asked as he sat in the boat that was to take you back to the island you were all staying on.

"Sure," Joseph replied awkwardly as he stepped into the boat. You rolled your eyes.

"Some totally beautiful girl asked Jojo on a date and he said no!" You told Caesar.

"Really?" Caesar asked, widening his eyes.

"She wasn't that beautiful," Joseph grumbled, shrinking into his seat and folding his arms across his chest.

"Not that beautiful? She was super pretty! Oh, I'm sure you would have loved her, Caesar," you told him and he laughed at your silly attempt at playing matchmaker.

"Will you both be quiet? I have a headache," Joseph grumbled. You and Caesar giggled at one another, whispering quietly back and forth throughout the boat ride back to the island.

The rest of the day went fine as the three of you trained your hamon skills. While you and Caesar were glued at the hip, chatting as though you had known each other for years, Joseph remained distant the whole day. Though, every once in a while, you could've sworn you caught him staring at you from out of the corner of your eye. At last, it was time for dinner.

The three of you were joined by Lisa Lisa and Suzi Q for a simple meal of spaghetti and meatballs. You rolled your eyes. How corny. Joseph's face mask rested next to his plate as he was allowed to remove it for meals. You took a moment to look at his fully exposed face.

Sure, you got to see what he looked like without his mask during meals every day, but you had never taken the time to really look at him. His jawline was incredibly sharp and his skin was very smooth. You watched sauce splatter onto the corners of his mouth as he slurped up his spaghetti eagerly. You laughed at the sight, nearly choking on your own food.

Joseph noticed your delighted giggle and beamed. He admired your bright smile that you were attempting to hide behind one of your hands to be polite as you laughed. Your cheeks were dusted a light shade of pink with the embarrassment of interrupting the meal and Joseph wished he could see you turn an even darker shade of pink. When you finally lowered your hand, Joseph took note of your plump lips that curved upwards into a polite smile.

The meal continued on peacefully, the five of you making polite conversation about hamon training and whatever else you could think of. Joseph's rejection of the woman from earlier also seemed to come up again, much to his dismay.

"I can't believe you'd turn down a pretty girl," Caesar mocked. Joseph rolled his eyes in response.

"She wasn't even just pretty, she was beautiful," you added.

"If you like her so much then why don't you date her?" Joseph spat at you and you shut your mouth quickly.

Silence fell over the room as you and Joseph locked eyes, neither of you able or willing to speak first. Joseph's eyes were full of anger while yours were full of regret. After a moment, he read the concern on your features and sighed.

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