Annoying - Rohan x Reader

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Warnings: none


"Ugh! You're so bad at this!"

You rolled your eyes as Rohan complained for the millionth time today about your work. It's not like you were trying to bother him, you were only doing your best.

"Maybe you should've hired a professional instead of pawning this responsibility off on me," you retorted.

"You said that you could do it!"

"Correction: I said I could give it a shot."

Rohan grumbled and folded his arms over his chest. Why he'd actually let you attempt to fix the damage to his house was beyond him. He was honestly joking when he had said you should repaint the newly built walls. He didn't expect you to take him up on that absurd offer.

"I'm an artist, (Y/N). My house needs to look perfect and beautiful so that I can do my best work."

You rolled your eyes again and wiped some sweat off your brow. "I can give you adequate, not perfect," you said, dipping your paint roller into its tray.

"Adequate? Adequate?!" Rohan shouted. "Adequate isn't good enough! Get down from there!"

He latched a hand onto your ankle and you teetered atop the ladder you were perched on. The paint roller slipped from your grasp and fell to the floor with a loud clatter and an awful splat.

Rohan saw the whole thing happen in slow motion, eyes widening as the paint roller dropped. The moment it hit the ground, off-white paint splattered all across the floor.

It was silent for a moment. You didn't dare speak, Rohan didn't even dare to breathe. You both stood still, eyes glued to the mess before you.

Your nerves snapped first and you burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Upon hearing the noise, Rohan broke out of his own trance and glared your way.

"Why are you laughing?! This is not funny!" Rohan scolded.

You couldn't respond, clutching your sides as hilarity wracked your body. Your throat grew hoarse as you continued laughing and soon you were sputtering out coughs along with your chuckles.

"Seriously, (Y/N)! You ruin my floors and now you're laughing about it?"

That broke you out of your trance.

"Wait just a minute," you snapped, laughter suddenly disappearing, "how is this my fault?"

"You dropped the paint roller."

"Because you grabbed my ankle!"

"Oh, so it's supposed to be my fault?"


You climbed down from the ladder, shouting back and forth with Rohan all the way. Curses and swears littered your language as the two of you fought about who's fault it truly was.

"This is ridiculous! I never should've trusted you to do anything right!" Rohan exclaimed.

"That's rich coming from Mr. I-just-burned-my-house-down!"

Rohan took a step closer, finger pointed directly between your eyes. "That wasn't my fault and you know it!"

"It most definitely was!" You shouted back, swatting his hand away.

"I've had just about enough of you," he scowled.

It was then that you scoffed and looked away. "I'm sure you have."

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