Warnings: none
As one of the most renowned tarot card readers in Egypt, Muhammad Avdol was no stranger to new customers. People would come from far and wide to receive a reading from the talented man and Avdol seldom complained. He was able to make more than enough money to support himself through readings alone and welcomed each new customer with open arms.
So, when you walked through the door, Avdol hardly considered this meeting any different.
The first thing Avdol noticed when you entered were your bright, shining eyes. He could have sworn he saw sparkles in them as the golden undertones caught the light in just the right way. Next, he noticed your lips. They were parted ever so slightly as you smiled at him. Then, he took in your clothes. Your outfit perfectly clung to the curves of your body and Avdol had to shake his head to bring himself back to reality.
"You must be Avdol," your sweet voice chimed. The soft tone was like music to Avdol's ears as you extended a perfectly manicured hand to shake his. He took it happily in his own, which was much larger than yours.
"Yes, I am. And you must be Y/N," Avdol replied with a cheerful smile. Now that the two of you were only several feet apart, Avdol could smell the faint lavender scent of your perfume and the hint of coconut from your shampoo. The scents seemed to be an unlikely pair, but smelled sweet and fragrant just the same.
"I've heard many great things about your readings," you said as the two of you shook hands.
"I am the best there is," Avdol joked. You chuckled in reply as he led you into a different room. There was a simple round table in the center with two chairs seated opposite one another. The table was covered with a purple table cloth that was adorned with stars and constellations.
"Pretty cheesy," you joked and Avdol mocked hurt as the two of you took your seats at the table.
"Let us begin," Avdol said in a commanding voice that hardly matched the cheerful exterior he had been displaying before.
He hands you the deck of tarot cards and you begin to shuffle them nervously, though you weren't sure why you were nervous at all. You had received tarot readings before, but something felt a bit different this time. You chalked it up to the fact that this was your first reading with Avdol which meant you were unsure of how he ran things, though you supposed they couldn't be too far off from other tarot readers.
You finished shuffling and passed the deck back to Avdol. He took it from you simply, eyes on the cards and not you. As his hand brushed your own, you felt a slight shock as static electricity flowed between the two of you.
"Sorry," the two of you say in unison, Avdol shifting his gaze from the tarot cards to you. The embarrassing situation dusted both of your cheeks a light shade of pink.
Avdol clears his throat and returns his attention to the cards in his hands. You follow his gaze as he pulls the top three cards from the deck.
"First, we have the eight of pentacles reversed," Avdol states as he places the card face up on the table. "Next is the knight of wands reversed. And finally, the nine of cups," Avdol continues, laying each card on the table as he reveals it.
"The first thing I notice is that two of the three cards are reversed," Avdol begins, lightly tapping the first two cards with the tips of his fingers. "That's nothing to worry about, though. Most of the cards in the deck are reversed. I find that more reversed cards appear when emotions are still fresh and intense."
You nodded slowly as Avdol seemingly hit the nail on the head. You had just gotten out of a relationship and the wounds were still quite fresh.
"The knight of wands reversed is a good sign to pause and think before you act. Your intense emotions could have a negative influence on your actions if you rush into things too quickly," Avdol explained as he looked up at you. Your eyes locked and you took his words to heart.

JJBA x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionThe title pretty much sums it up. A collection of one-shot stories about different characters from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! • Requests are closed! • None of the art used in the story is mine! If you are the artist or know who the artist is, please...