Like Friends Do - Kakyoin x Reader

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Warnings: none


It was so obvious, and yet the two of you were blind to the fact that you liked each other.

When you moved to Japan, you managed to integrate yourself at your new school by fitting in with the outcasts. You became fast friends with Jotaro and Kakyoin who, despite being popular for their looks, were still outcast for their unusual behavior. It didn't really bother you, though. You liked them, and they seemed to like you, too.

Only, Kakyoin really liked you.

Ever since the first day you had arrived, you had caught Kakyoin's eye. He found your beauty breathtaking, and as time went on and he got to know you better, he fell in love with your personality even more. Being too shy to admit his feelings, though, he simply took every available chance to hang out. Y'know, like friends do.

Truth be told, you were also very fond of Kakyoin. His bright red hair and unique style had caught your attention on day one. Ever since then, as the two of you grew closer, you found yourself developing a crush on him. It was hard to resist his sarcastic but endearing charm, but you were too scared to admit your feelings to him. Instead, you would use up every ounce of your free time with him and Jotaro. Y'know, like friends do.

Jotaro, being on the outside of this whole situation, found it absolutely hilarious that the two of you couldn't see how obvious it was that you liked one another. One day, as the three of you had been at a cafe, he caught Kakyoin staring at you from across the room while you ordered your drink.

"What're you looking at?" Jotaro asked.

"N-nothing," Kakyoin stammered, turning his attention from you to Jotaro. Jotaro smirked knowingly as he watched Kakyoin's cheeks turn bright red.

"So, you like (Y/N)," Jotaro said bluntly. Kakyoin's already red face turned even redder as Jotaro read him like an open book.

"H-how did you..." Kakyoin began, taking quick glances back and forth between you and Jotaro to make sure you were still far enough away that you couldn't hear the conversation.

"If you think I don't know you by now when we literally spent 50 days straight together, you're not just wrong, you're stupid," Jotaro said. He took a sip from the drink he had already ordered when he arrived at the cafe while Kakyoin's mouth hung open in astonishment and disbelief.

"Ok, fine! I do! Just... please don't tell her," Kakyoin pleaded, clasping his hands together to imitate a prayer.

"Why not? It's obvious that..." Jotaro began, but was quickly cut off when you approached the table.

"Hi!" You exclaimed cheerfully, carrying your drink in one hand and waving excitedly with your other.

"Hey," Kakyoin responded, beaming a huge smile back at you. Jotaro glanced quickly at Kakyoin and noticed a faint blush appear on his cheeks. He glanced over towards you and noticed a blush creeping onto your face as well.

"Good grief," Jotaro muttered, tipping his hat slightly.

"What was that?" You asked.

"Nothing," Jotaro recovered. You shrugged it off and the rest of your day with your friends went smoothly.

About a week later, you stood outside a movie theater with Jotaro, waiting for Kakyoin to arrive.

"I wish he would hurry up and get here already," Jotaro complained.

"Oh, hush," you scolded playfully, slapping his arm lightly.

Jotaro looked you over. You were dressed up very nicely in your prettiest outfit, or rather, the prettiest your outfit could be while still appearing casual. You had done your hair nicely and you had applied delicate makeup to highlight your features.

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