Warnings: None
"This is ridiculous."
Joseph huffed as he climbed into the backseat of the car. Despite being the oldest member of the group, he was being forced to sit in the back.
"It isn't fair that you always get the most leg room," Polnareff explained as he took Joseph's usual seat beside the driver.
Kakyoin shut the driver's side door and settled into his chair. "And, no offense, but you're not always the best driver, either."
Joseph gasped in fake hurt as he reluctantly buckled his seat belt.
"Oh, don't mind what Kakyoin says," you said, crawling into the back, "You're a terrific driver."
Your seat was the middle seat, which landed you sandwiched between Joseph and Jotaro. You'd drawn the short straw today, it seemed. You'd have to spend the car ride cramped between the two massive men.
Your brief moment of comfort was short lived as Jotaro crawled in behind you and took his seat. You shifted in an awkward way as he buckled his seat belt and took up far more space than a normal teenager should.
"What on Earth was your mother feeding you?" You teased, trying (and failing) to shove Jotaro off to the side.
"It's not his fault. He takes after me," Joseph boasted, flexing his bicep.
You had to admit that, for a man of his age (hell, for anyone of any age), Joseph had an incredible body. He was still buff and in shape, despite being nearly 70 years old. It was impressive, and you found yourself reaching out to grab hold of his arm without thinking.
"The Joestar genes are something else," you commented, squeezing the tense and toned muscle.
"You flatter me too much," Joseph said in response. He selfishly wished you would never take your hand off his arm, but you did, and so he lowered it back down to his side.
"Everybody buckled?" Kakyoin asked.
When everyone had said yes, he started the car and began the journey.
Time passed quickly for everyone but Joseph. Sitting in the back of the car, he'd never felt more disrespected. He was the oldest, he was financing the whole trip, he should be sitting up front! He shouldn't be sitting in the back looking out a tiny, poor excuse for a window when he was so used to looking out of the windshield. He should be sitting up front and tinkering with the radio instead of letting some stupid kids play whatever horrible music they wanted.
Luckily, though, the drive had no soundtrack. Kakyoin didn't attempt to play any music, nor did Polnareff. Instead, the group made conversation. Well, it was mostly a conversation between you, Kakyoin, and Polnareff. Jotaro and Joseph seemed to abstain from talking.
This was normal for Jotaro, but not normal for Joseph. You couldn't help but notice.
"Everything alright?" You asked him, placing a hand on his arm.
He shook his head. "I get treated with no respect."
When he heard you giggle, he turned his head to face you.
You were cute, anyone with eyes could see that. Joseph liked having you around. Everything about you was incredibly enticing and, if he wasn't careful, he was bound to slip up one of these days and do something he shouldn't.
That pretty smile and that cute laugh we're going to do him in one day.
"Sitting in the back isn't all bad," you reassured him. "We can have private conversations away from the two up front."
Joseph raised an eyebrow. If you knew this, did that mean you'd been having private conversations with everyone else while he missed out by sitting up front? Just what had you talked about with the others that he had no idea about?
"What do you guys usually talk about?" He decided to try asking.
You thought for a moment before saying, "We usually tell stories from our past. I've heard tons about Sherry, and stuff about Kakyoin's parents, too. Sometimes, if I'm really lucky, I can even get Jotaro to talk about his parents!"
Jotaro's eyes glanced your way at the mention of his name, then they quickly flitted back out the window.
"He'll actually open up to you?" Joseph asked, unable to hide his surprise.
You nodded cheerfully. "Mhmm. It's rare, but it happens."
Joseph was impressed. He already thought, no, knew you were amazing, but clearly, so did everyone else. If Jotaro actually spoke to you about his past, Joseph had no doubt in his mind that you were perfect.
"So, will you tell me some stories? I'm sure you have plenty to talk about," you asked Joseph.
And he did. He really did. Joseph told you all about his past, opening up in a way he hadn't done for ages. He spoke of Caesar, Speedwagon, and the Pillar Men. He told you about hamon, a power you wouldn't have thought could exist if you didn't know about the existence of stands. You were spellbound, hooked, hanging on every word he had to say.
"And... that's pretty much it," he finished with a shrug.
Your eyes were wide with amazement and you'd leaned in closer to him while he talked. Your hands rested on his thigh to support your weight and your faces were just inches apart.
"Your life is amazing!" You told him.
Joseph chuckled and his cheeks turned pink. Flattery had always worked on him.
"It's certainly a colorful history," he admitted.
"Colorful? It's the whole damn rainbow!"
He laughed again. Your metaphors were just as cute as you were.
You chatted for a while about yourself, telling him stories and tidbits about your past. Joseph listened intently, enjoying the sound of your voice and the passion in your eyes as he learned more about you.
The conversation died down a little while later and a comfortable silence ensued. Joseph looked out the window, you looked out the windshield between the break in the front row seats. Kakyoin put on the radio, and everything was nice.
A little while later, Joseph felt a weight against his arm. He looked down to find your body had fallen against his after you dozed off. You looked peaceful when you slept, cute as always.
Joseph didn't want to move you; he didn't want to disturb your sleep. Instead, he let you lean against him and rest. Your soft breathing sounded louder to Joseph than any music, and he found he quite liked it.
He looked down further and noticed your much smaller hand had grabbed hold of his. He smiled to himself as he turned his hand so his palm could touch yours then carefully wrapped his fingers around you. Though Joseph didn't see it, you smiled at the feeling.
He turned his head to look out the window once more, watching the scenery go by and gently caressing your hand with his thumb.
Maybe sitting in the back wasn't all bad.
Quick Joseph thing bc I think this idea is cute and he makes me happy. Wanted to do an update for this book since I just posted an AOT one shot, too, so have this.
Don't ask about Suzi Q. We don't talk about her during Old Joseph one shots.
Lemme know what y'all think! Peace!

JJBA x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionThe title pretty much sums it up. A collection of one-shot stories about different characters from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! • Requests are closed! • None of the art used in the story is mine! If you are the artist or know who the artist is, please...