Perfect Pillows - Polnareff x Reader

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Warnings: none


You yawned from your seat in the back of the car, sandwiched between Jotaro and Kakyoin as you and the crusaders rode towards your next destination.

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Joseph asked from his seat in the front.

"My mattress was as hard as a rock. It took me ages to even get to sleep," you complained, rubbing your eyes groggily.

"Yes, well, I guess the place we stayed last night wasn't exactly ideal," Joseph said sheepishly.

That was an understatement. Since you and your companions were eager to get to DIO as quickly as possible, you spent most of your day on the road. By the time you had all declared you were sleepy, the only motel around was run down and nasty. The only clean part of your room were the fresh bedsheets that had clearly just been changed. Other than that, though, the room was grimy and gross, and had an unusual smell that kept you up just as much as the solid mattress beneath you.

"Yare yare, stop complaining, you bitch," Jotaro mumbled beside you.

You rolled your eyes, used to his retorts by now.

"I agree with (Y/N). That place was awful," Kakyoin said, defending you to his moody companion.

"I don't know what the rest of you are talking about. I slept like a baby," Polnareff said happily, placing his arms behind his head and leaning back in his seat.

You rolled your eyes as somehow Polnareff's germaphobia only seemed to apply to bathrooms.

"I envy you," you teased, though there was truth in your words.

"We'll stop somewhere nicer tonight," Joseph promised.

You and Kakyoin thanked him profusely while Polnareff shrugged and Jotaro grumbled. The conversation died down and Joseph opted to turning on the radio, an upbeat song filling your ears. The five of you drove for a while longer before the sun began to set on the horizon.

"Alright, what do you think of this place?" Joseph asked, pulling into the parking lot of a nice looking hotel. Or rather, nice enough.

"It's definitely a step up from the last place," you noted.

"I don't care," Jotaro mumbled.

"Seems fine to me," Kakyoin said.

"Same here," Polnareff agreed.

With approval from 3 out of the 4 of you, Joseph parked the car and stepped out. The rest of you followed behind him as he led you inside to book several rooms.

He managed to get three single rooms and one room with two twin beds for Jotaro and Kakyoin to share. Jotaro rolled his eyes in annoyance that he was always forced to room with someone.

"Just once, I'd like some peace and quiet," he complained, tipping the brim of his hat.

"Not in a million years," Kakyoin teased, elbowing him playfully in the side.

Joseph passed out the room keys, telling all of you to go put your stuff away and meet him back in the lobby in ten minutes to head out for dinner. You all agreed and walked off to find your rooms. You, Polnareff, and Joseph all had rooms next to each other, considering they were all the same type of room. Jotaro and Kakyoin's room was up a floor, and you watched the boys disappear up the staircase before you unlocked the door of your room and headed inside.

You plopped the backpack full of your belongings onto the floor, not bothering to unpack. You were so tired and your body ached from sitting in the cramped car all day. You flopped yourself down onto your bed, groaning as you hit the stiff surface.

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