{NSFW} Sex Sells - Caesar x Reader

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Warnings: If the title wasn't a dead giveaway, this chapter's a big ol' lemon. Feel free to skip it if you don't like those!


"Sex sells."

Your publishers words rang in your ears as you sat at your desk, staring blankly at the computer in front of you. The blinking line at the top of the empty page mocked your inability to write. You threw your head back and let out a loud groan before pushing away from your desk and standing up.

"I give up!" You declared.

"Give up what?" Your roommate Caesar asked from his seated position on the couch a few feet away.

"Writing," you clarified, plopping down next to him on the couch.

"Why? You're a terrific writer," Caesar praised, finally putting down the book in his hands that had been occupying his attention.

"My publisher wants me to write about sex. Me! The virgin," you explained, sighing a bit as the word 'virgin' passed through your lips.

"Just write what you know," Caesar said with a shrug.

"That's hardly as easy as it sounds," you said. You leaned your head back and sighed in defeat.

"You could always watch porn."

"You and I both know porn is fake. Plus, watching porn makes me feel... dirty."

Caesar let out a low chuckle in response to your words. The sound of his deep laugh sent a tingle down your spine and you felt your cheeks heat up slightly.

"Why don't you just write about the experiences you do have, then fill in the rest with all the fake stuff from porn," Caesar suggested.

"Oh yeah? And what experiences do I have?" You asked him with an eye roll.

"Well, you at least know what it's like to have an orgasm," Caesar said bluntly, causing you to blush at his incredibly forward and crass language.

When you stayed silent for a while, Caesar looked over at you and noticed the awkward expression on your face. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, scratching your arm just to occupy your hands.

"Wait, don't tell me... You've never had an orgasm?" Caesar asked, genuine surprise in his voice.

You looked away bashfully, a bright blush on your cheeks from embarrassment. Caesar stared at you in disbelief for a moment. Then, he erupted in a fit of laughter. You snapped your head towards him in a mixture of shock and anger as he laughed at your unfortunate situation.

"Stop laughing at me," you complained.

"I'm... not laughing... at you," Caesar said in between laughs.

You folded your arms across your chest and furrowed your brows. Caesar continued to laugh for a minute more before he finally started to calm down, taking deep breaths to help regain his composure. When he finally settled down, he looked over at you and read the angry expression on your face like it were words written on a page, clear as day.

"Sorry, I just find it hard to believe," Caesar explained.

"Yeah, well, believe it," you said, rolling your eyes and turning away from him.

"Never? Not ever?" Caesar asked.

"No. Now will you stop teasing me about it? I feel bad enough as it is," you pouted.

Caesar's face twisted into a frown, both disappointed that he had to stop teasing you, but also disappointed that you had never experienced something so universally wonderful. An idea crept into his mind and he tried his best to push it away, but it kept getting louder and louder, pounding on the inside of his skull, trying to get out.

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