{NSFW} Rugby - Jonathan x Reader x Dio Brando

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Warnings: You already know this one is boutta be a lemon. Feel free to skip if you don't like those!


Some found your obsession with rugby odd. To be more specific, your obsession with college rugby. You always made sure to attend every rugby game your university team played, and all of your friends found it extremely unusual, especially for a lady.

Nonetheless, you would go to every single game like clockwork. But you weren't there because you enjoyed the sport. You weren't there to see the strategic moves, the bold plays, and the brute force to execute them all.

You were there for the eye candy.

The phrase "eye candy" took human form in two men in particular; Jonathan Joestar and his adopted brother Dio Brando. Both men were extremely muscular with broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and the thickest thighs you had ever seen. It was also hard to resist their incredibly good looks, as both men had faces that seemed to have been sculpted by the gods themselves.

Unbeknownst to you, while you had taken a great interest in the boys, they had also taken a great interest in you. Seeing as you came to every single rugby game, they were bound to notice you eventually. It certainly helped that you were always as close as possible to the field, cheering them both on. They both admired your enthusiasm at first, then grew to admire your beauty.

Jonathan and Dio were both incredibly intelligent, so it was no surprise that they picked up on the fact that you liked both of them. It was also no surprise that they picked up on the fact that they both liked you, too. It all came down to who was willing to make the first move on you.

Or so they thought.

After a particularly intense rugby game, you were walking away from the field to make your way home when you heard a voice call out to you.

"Wait!" The voice said. You turned around and were met face to face with the blonde haired beauty you had admired for months.

"Your name's (Y/N), right?" Dio asked, a slight smirk on his lips and flirtatious tone to his voice.

"Y-yes," you stammered, still in disbelief that he was talking to you at all.

"I see you come to the games quite often. Do you enjoy rugby?" Dio asked.

"Oh, yes. I do," you said, though you really only liked the men that played the game.

"So, what did you think of the last match?" Dio asked, mischief in his voice as he dared you to spill the beans about your lack of rugby knowledge.

"Oh, well, I thought it was quite exhilarating," you said with an awkward smile.

"And what about the plays?" Dio coaxed.

"Oh, right. The plays were... executed well," you said, darting your eyes away from Dio's, hoping it could mask your lies.

"Leave the poor girl alone, Dio," you heard another voice chime in.

You looked back up to see Jonathan walking towards the both of you. He seemed upset, territorial almost, as he walked around and stood behind you. You felt his large body's looming presence behind you as he stared Dio down.

"I was only talking to her about the match, dear Jonathan," Dio said, malice in his voice.

"It's clear you're making her uncomfortable," Jonathan said, placing a large hand on your shoulder.

You gasped quietly when Jonathan touched your shoulder and tensed under the weight of his hand. Dio noticed your tiny noise while Jonathan noticed your posture straighten. Dio nearly cursed under his breath as he watched your cheeks become red. Lucky for Dio, he wasn't one to give up so easily.

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