(Chapter 1) Just Landed

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After the years society has faced with Coronavirus, things are finally too somewhat normal, like what we were used to feeling once before. Sometimes I find myself putting on a mask or making sure I'm 6-feet away from others. You kinda have to constantly remind yourself that it's ok now that the pandemic is over. That's what my best friend Michaela and I had to do. I have always wanted to visit Korea ever since I started watching bl's. Same case for my best friend but instead she indulges in K-Dramas. While on the plane it feels very weird and surreal, were planning on visiting all over Seoul including visiting some gay and lgbt+ friendly.

After completing are long day of traveling we finally make it to our Airbnb.

Michaela- "Finally I'm so tired"

Nathaniel (You)- "Girl idk about you but i'm ready to hit the clubs, I want to find me someone even if it's a cute travel fling. I want to feel like i'm straight out of the bl's."

Michaela- "Are you going to be ok on your own? We just got here and I don't want you to get lost."

Nathaniel (You)- "I should be ok, the club is near by. I'll share my location with you so you will know where I am."

Michaela- "Ok, be safe."

I start getting ready for the club, putting on my cutest outfit, doing my hair and makeup. When I finally looked in the mirror I knew I would be a threat to all the twinks in the building. I'm feeling extra confident, I leave the hotel and am on my way to the club. Obviously being black I get a few stares here and there but I shake it off. Finally making it to the club, I will admit i'm little nervous. I mean I just got here in this foreign country and i'm about to go into this club alone. I should be ok though I just need to keep up my confidence. I look bomb and I've never been into drinking or smoking. Let's just have a good time and enjoy myself.  

As soon as I step into the club its very lit and also very, very, very hot. I almost died walking in, I noticed a few stares per usual. All though I never had drunk alcohol before I decided to give it a try to calm my nerves and let loose. As soon as I took two shots I because to loosen up and enjoy myself. As i'm having the time of my life dancing I could feel a pair of eyes on me. This wasn't new so my initial response was to ignore it. Little did I know what would happen later would be my first interaction with him.

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