(Chapter 6) Let Me See If You Can Walk

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The date was kind of awkward at first, one thing about Ji-Hoon I found so attractive was his look. When he was looking at me it was like he was studying me. They had such a mystery I could never figure out, he was so serious and protective by his look which balanced my over the top bold personality. But something inside told me that there is much more to his mysterious personality that I have to figure out. This experience was so new for the both of us and in a country full of Korean and asian ethnicities, he managed to remain respectful to my blackness. All though he does work in Seoul at Samsung so he has co-workers of different ethnicities, I don't know why that look he would always give me was different than anyone else.

(Ji-Hoon's POV)

I always find myself studying him, I wondering if he can tell? I try to be as discreet about it to not alarm him but how can one be so pretty. His soft brown skin shining as the sun coming into the cafe hits him. It's like magic. I was astonished, don't even get me started on his body. In the club the way he was moving I couldn't contain myself. I had to eat him. I can't even explain my natural like instinct to protect him and claim him, he was mine now.

(Nathaniel's POV)

As our date is coming to an end we managed to extend our already amazing connection. The only thing is that as the days go by so effortlessly, our stay in Korea is also coming to an end. Both Michaela and I have to go back to our lives back in America and I dreaded the day. I just remember being so miserable dating in America, that is one thing about the east side of the world, especially asian countries. Dating is valued much more here then in America, all guys there want to do is fuck.

Nathaniel-"Ji-Hoon I honestly had a great time, but I can't help but wonder about your gaze on me lol."


Ji-Hoon-"Your just going to have to stick around and find out"

Nathaniel-"I guess so lmao"

Nathaniel-"Well I am off, get home save"


Nathaniel-"what? lol"

Ji-Hoon-"If you think im letting you walk by yourself your crazy."

Nathaniel-"Ji-Hoon lol I'm grown."

Nathaniel-"Trust me I will text you to let you know I am home safe"

Ji-Hoon-"Are your sure?"

Nathaniel-"Yes, I will be fine"

Ji-Hoon-"Alright, but text me okay."

Nathaniel-"Of course!"

Ji-Hoon-"Alright get home safe, bye"


As I am walking back to the Airbnb I notice a bunch of school kids taking a short cut. It looked like they were heading in the same direction so I decided to take it. Everything was fine till things went black, and I was being pushed into a vehicle.

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