(Chapter 10) But Why?

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-Three Months Later-

(Nathaniel)-"Michaela, were finally going back to Seoul for spring break and I don't know how to feel. I mean we did book these tickets literally when we just got back home from last time.

My face saddens....as I think about last time.

(Michaela)-"It's okay sis, you both tried and although it didn't really work how you both wanted it too you at least can reminisce on the time you both spent together. 

I start to tear up.

(Nathaniel)- "It's just..like how could he just ghost me like that. I'm so stupid, it always goes this route."

(Nathaniel)- "After the first few days they move and act different."

(Michaela)-"it's okay boo you will bounce back like we always do. Don't let him ruin the trip for you, we will have fun okay?

(Nathaniel)-"I mean we already paid so I don't really have a choice do I?

(Michaela)-"No, no you don't."

(Nathaniel)-"I mean everything was fine, great even then he just falls off the face of the earth."

(Nathaniel)-"I should have known not to have gotten my hopes up, it always leads into this direction."

(Michaela)-"I'm so sorry boo, I thought he was for real too. But you can either go back and get answers or decide to move on to bigger and better things."

(Michaela)-"You have that audition don't you? With Viki?

(Nathaniel)-"Yeah, but let's be real with ourselves would they even air a BL with a foreigner especially a black person as a lead?

(Nathaniel)-"Even if they did would companies even sponsor us? I don't know."

(Michaela)-"Well you will regret it if you don't try sis. I have faith in you and Viki on doing the right thing." 

I am excited about my audition but also not sure what I'm going to do with Ji-Hoon. Part of me wants to get answers at least but the other part is telling me not to move backwards. Ugh the gemini in me lmao. I couldn't help but reminisce on our good times, like how we met and the bathroom situation lol. The fireworks I felt for him was on another level. I just wish things didn't end the way things did.

I just want to know why he ghosted me...

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