(Chapter 7) One Hell Of An Introduction

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Things felt like they went dark for so long, my whole life was flashing before my eyes. Reflecting on all my life choices, it's almost life just hit me like a brick. While i'm going deep through my thoughts suddenly a flood of light comes and all I see is two men. One straight across from me and one keeping me restrained. What do they want? Especially from me I'm just a foreigner after all. 

(Unknown Man)- "What do you want from my son?"

(Nathaniel)- "Huh?"

(Nathaniel)-"I don't know nobody, I literally just got in Korea."

(Unknown Man)-"Ah so your a foreigner then?"

(Nathaniel)-"I mean isn't it obvious, I'm a chocolate goddess purr."

All I could think about is how I got myself into this mess and who am I dealing with. The conversations I had with him felt so right and complete, this whole experience just put me into a reality check. I don't know this man, even though it may felt like I did, I don't.

I proceeded to have conversation with this man, the government agency that he is apart of, everything. Apparently South Korea has had a bit of an issue with a few countries and thought I was sent to infiltrate their operations. This is honestly crazy.

(Unknown Man)-"Well my name is Cho, and you are?"


(Cho)-"Such a western name"

As we both start to awkwardly laugh.

(Cho)-"Well your free to go, my apologies again"

(Nathaniel)-"No worries"

I begin to start walking to the door fast enough to get out but slow enough so he doesn't think anything about it or decides to keep me longer. The guard opens the door and to my surprise there is Ji-Hoon arguing with the guards in Korean. The other guard signals to the ones holding Ji-Hoon back that I'm good to go and they let us leave.

Ji-Hoon-"Are you hurt?"

As he checks my body and looks at me for confirmation.

Nathaniel-"I'm fine just a miscommunication lol"

You could still hear the trauma in my voice, don't get me wrong I kept it cordial but he had me all the way fucked up for kidnapping me.

Ji-Hoon-"Are you sure?"

As he begins to pull me closer as were walking to his car, holding me tight to him.

Nathaniel-"Yes of course, thank you for coming after me"

Ji-Hoon-"Of course I have to make sure my 부인 (Wife) is okay"

He smirks at me as he is doing this, but this made me blush and geek on the inside. You know I have to keep face can't let him know he has me wrapped around his finger.

I eventually get back to the airbnb and Ji-Hoon comes with me inside, as were walking to the door I'm hearing some weird noises coming from inside. I end up opening the door to this.

Michaela-"Oh my god"


I immediately cover Ji-Hoon's eyes because he isn't going to see anyone else naked besides me period.

Nathaniel-"Girl really and who is this man?"

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