(Chapter 4) The Days After

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Before we get into this chapter I would love to say thank you for all the love you guys have shown on my story. I really appreciate it so much. I went through a bit of a busy patch but I'm back. I am going to try to update it every few days but at least once a week.

*Story Continues*

I woke up the next day with aches, sourness, and pains. Mainly on my lips and ass, which confused me but it all shortly came back to me. Like I said before I not the type to do one night stands and to be honest I wasn't expecting him to call me because a lot of the times asian men only want an experience from us. But something about Ji-hoon really made me feel like we had a real connection, to bad my ass got extremely drunk to the point I can barely remember the night.

I didn't really want to get out of bed, well until.

Michaela- "Bitch wake the fuck up hoe!"

Nathaniel- "Just five more minutes.."

Michaela- "Girl we came here to explore and to experience, go get dressed."

She was right, we didn't spend all this money, time, and energy to get here only to sit in the air bnb. I got dressed and we got on with our plans for the day. I really enjoyed myself, all though once again people starred because there not used to seeing black bad bitches walk down the street serving body and face chile. 

*2 Days Later*

So far it's been three days since the night at the club. I not going to lie I thought of going back to see if he was there, would that make me look desperate, of course but he was like a drug and I needed a fix. I was in the shower getting ready for bed when my phone started to ring. Michaela was downstairs saying goodbye to the guy she met that she is probably going to smash next time she seems him but anyway. I was thinking it was her when I picked up.

Nathaniel- "Bitch don't tell me your leaving me for some dick."

Ji-Hoon- "Wait what lol? Is this the right number?"

The voice seemed familiar but I couldn't really make it out until I thought about it more.

Ji-Hoon- "This is Ji-Hoon"

Nathaniel- "Oh...I...im sorry.."

Oh my fucking god you idiot, this is so embarrassing.

We had a smooth conversation until he asked me out.

Ji-Hoon- "So I was wondering if you wanted to go to a cafe with me tomorrow"

Ji-Hoon-"How about 10?"


Nathaniel- "Yeah that sounds nice!"

I played that shit of like the baddie I am period.

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