(Chapter 17) Heaven Doesn't Sound So Bad

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*Nathaniel's POV*

Bitch after all that happened, you know that bitch ass director airing me out like a mother-fucking blow dryer or something. I was heated, but obviously kept my cool on the outside. I barely got the part in the first place, I don't need the Korean gossip bloggers and the media making it seem like I'm aggressive or have no class. Like I said this part is bigger than me and now I would be representing all black people in there eyes due to the fact I would be one of the few black people they have seen at that point.

"Why did you come to Korea?" I said, straight to the point bitch.

"I missed you and I realized how badly I fucked up, losing you was the biggest L I ever took" Angel answered.

Damn right....He better recognize the fuck.

"Nat..." He says as he grabs both my hands.

"Take me back. I need you, real bad" Angel said.

"I feel like both of your energy is off and it's not coming across on camera" The director said.

"Could I get a moment to talk to Nathaniel alone? We haven't had time to talk at all since what happened..." Angel said.

"That makes sense. Everyone take 5." The director said.

What he said was true, we never got to speak after what happened. Ji-Hoon refused to let me be alone with him and weirdly continued to not speak to both of us. I've never seen him like this before. Maybe I should apologize, but then again it wasn't my fault.

"How are you doing Nathaniel? It's been a while" Angel said.

I hadn't spoken to him since the day before I left for Korea.

"I'm doing okay..." I said

"Angel let's cut the bullshit. Why are you here and how the fuck did you find out about this role?" I continued

"Haha, I see you're still blunt as ever." He said.

"Well as you know I majored in talent management in college with a minor in acting. I'm sure you remember back in college when we were together, you would watch you're bl's on my YouTube account. So about a year later I saw a video about upcoming bl's and I saw you on the thumbnail so I watched it." He said

"I was so proud of you for achiveing everything you used to dream about and tell me. Then I saw there was still casting extra characters and I auditioned and I guess the director knew our history and gave me the role." He continued laying his hand on top of mine

I was so taken a back I was silent. This man really remembered everything. I mean it wasn't that long ago but still. He clearly is still in love with me.

"I-" I said and of course my fucking luck Ji-Hoon walks in

"Ji-Hoon" I said

Ji-Hoon immediately rush towards Angel snatching his hand off mine

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you?" He said

"Just reconnecting with Nathaniel" Angel said as he scanned my body up and down.

Ji-Hoon grabbed his shirt and pulled him up from the couch

"Guys calm down" I said

"The only think you need to reconnect to is the wifi to search for a plan ticket back to the U.S." Ji-Hoon said

"This is not a fucking joke, I don't play when it comes to mine." He continued

I looked up at him in shock, Ji-Hoon is usually so chill and reserved. I've never seen him so....bothered

"Alright are you guys ready?" The director said

"Ji-Hoon there looking for you in wardrobe." He continued

Ji-Hoon let go of Angel and just walked out, without even bating an eye at me.

"Anyway so let's practice the club scene when Angel meets you in the bathroom of the club. I want to see your chemistry." The director said

We began doing the scene, I was against the wall and Angel was in front of me leaning against the wall with one hand to support him. I could feel ancient butterflies start to flourish inside me. One thing about Angel, his demeanor and words could always make anyone fall for him. With Ji-Hoon he was more of the kind and sweet guy type where as Angel was the playboy type.

"Nat...." Angel said staring at my chocolate lips

This is where the scene stops in the script but....

"Fuck it" Angel said as he leaned in to kiss me

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