(Chapter 11) Somethings In The Air

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I keep finding myself spiraling into my old ways, rage, emotional instability all because yet again I get my hopes up thinking I finally found someone. Somehow no matter how I play this game, the game of dating I seem to always end with the same outcome. What is that you may ask? Ending up alone, and I just have to be okay with that. As much as I may want to find him as soon as we land in Seoul, I need to move on. It's the only way I am going to stop dwelling over the past, my past with him. I find myself at night reminiscing our time together, the steamy club bathroom sex, and his support and what seemed like stability with him. Although we weren't official, I have always been the type of person to not like/do long distance relationships. So I suppose I should be happy that things worked out like this. He can go do his own shit and so can I. I just have to convince my heart of this.

*A few more hours later*

(Michaela)- "Were finally here again sis."


For some reason the energy in the warm Seoul air seemed different. Maybe the start of my acting debut!

(Michaela)-"So what time again is your audition at Viki?"

(Nathaniel)-"In about three hours. So just enough time for us to get to our airbnb and get settled."

(Michaela)-"Alright let's go."

*30 Minutes Later*

As Michaela and I were exiting the car and getting our stuff out, I see Michaela's dumb ass try and carry to much and drop everything. As I'm heading over to help I noticed a stranger beat me to it.

(Michaela)- "Ugh, omg thank you! I don't know why I thought I was superwoman today lol."

Just like that her and I both noticed who it was.

(Sung-Ho)-"It's okay lol."

(Sung-Ho)-"Wait Michaela, your back?"

(Sung-Ho)- "What happened between us?"

I see Michaela look over at me through the window and eventually Sung-Ho turns his head as well. I never ducked so fast in my life.

(Sung-Ho)-"Wait, is Nathaniel here too?!"

(Michaela)-"What? No I'm here with my friend Sofie..."

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