(Chapter 9) Security

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Security, just one word, yet the thing I struggle the most with. Unfortunately I haven't actually dated anyone seriously yet. Guys back home always just want sex, I've been through some tuff situations with guys. All the lies, manipulation, deceptions, and fantasy selling they do. It fucks you up big time. 

(Michaela)-"Bitch snap out of it were here at the airport."


(Nathaniel)-"This shits so damn fucked up I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye. Plus it's his day off so we won't wake up until later today. Bye then we will be back in the U.S. already."

(Michaela)-"It will be okay I'm sure he will be okay and understanding about it. He is totally your type personality wise that just clicks with yours. He is the calm to your crazy."

(Nathaniel)-"Girl what are your trying to be some poet? Lmao the calm to my crazy bitch I'm sane."

Michaela truly is my ride or die best friend. Some how that low-key shady comment made me feel better. Maybe she is right and he will understand, maybe I'm just thinking way too much about all of this. It's still fucked up though, here I am finally meeting the guys of my dreams literally from when I was in high school watching those bl's. Suddenly he wakes up and poof im gone and in a whole different country across seas. It's fucked up.

As we bored the plane and take our seats the emotions is starting to get to me.

(Nathaniel)-"Michaela! Bitch omg the emotions are coming. I don't want to leave!"

(Michaela)-"Girl neither do I but we did just up and leave our lives back at home." We would have to go back eventually either we are going willingly or we're summoned by court."

I hate to say, this bitch is right. 

I don't know how many more times I can say I hate this.

*After a 17 Hour Flight*

(Michaela)-"Ahhhh finally were back!

(Nathaniel)-"I know Chile we have been traveling all day, i'm not going to lie it actually feels kind of good to be home and not get all those stares.

(Nathaniel)-"But I miss my Ji-Hoon."

(Michaela)-"Girl it will be alright if he truly is for you he will understand."

*Ji-Hoon's POV*

-On The Phone With Sung-Ho-

(Ji-Hoon)-"Bro what the fuck is wrong with him. Like a reply is all that's needed I'm worried."

(Sung-Ho)-"Dude I'm sure he is fine my girl isn't answering me either."

(Ji-Hoon)-"Probably because she's embarrassed after getting caught by my wife and I"

(Sung-Ho)-"Fuck youuu like you couldn't have knocked and waited outside. I can't believe you caught me mid act. I was tearing it up lol."

(Ji-Hoon)-"Bro I don't need details lol."

(Sung-Ho)-"I still can't believe a guy that's been straight all his life ends up being with a man. I never saw this coming."

(Ji-Hoon)-"Yeah to be honest me either I still consider myself to be straight but there is something different about Nathaniel. Which is why I'm worried as fuck. I mean he always answers and lets me know where he goes and who he is with."

(Sung-Ho)-"Aww look at you being so protective over your wife."

(Ji-Hoon)-"Shut up. But for real I know this is who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. I don't know why I'm this overprotective over him and we're not even official yet."

(Sung-Ho)-"I'm surprised he didn't run after the situation with your father though. You know how he has standards for you, he wanted you to be with a fellow Korean girl. Nathaniel is literally the opposite of that, what would you do if your father disapproves of him. "

(Ji-Hoon)-"Honestly I would be willing to lose it all including my inheritance and the family business for him. Nathaniel is my heart beat and without him or so much as a word my heart is at rest."

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