(Chapter 12) The Audition

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*Fuck, did he see me?!*

As I'm literally on the floor of the airbnb I am hoping and praying that Michaela can find a way out of it. I'm honestly glad that at least the spirits were looking out for me because I could have been in her shoes and had ran into Ji-Hoon. I really can not let them both get into my head and in my way of this audition. This is bigger than me, it's huge!  A foreigner let alone a black gay foreigner hasn't lead a bl before. Not even the fact that finding sponsoring would be a beast due to me not meeting the asian beauty standard. A lot of people don't think I would be able to carry a bl, but this is my chance to prove everyone wrong. 


(Michaela)-"Yup um..did you need something?"

(Sung-Ho)- So your not planning on explaining why you and Nathaniel just randomly cut Ji-Hoon and I off?"

(Michaela)-"Us?! What about you both we didn't cut off anyone."

(Sung-Ho)- "You both never responded to our messages on line."

(Michaela)-"Line...? Oop."

(Sung-Ho)-"You tried texting us by number didn't you."

*CHILE this dumb fucking bitch told me we could do that and they would receive our messages. This whole time it was literally a miss understanding... It still doesn't change the fact though that he didn't go out of his way to contact me.*

I just internally kept asking myself if I should text him, but it's been so much time how could I? I miss the times we spent on my first trip to Korea, as soon as I get blessed with this opportunity with Viki to star in a bl. Ji-Hoon and I are no longer I guess, I know there a lot of people in Seoul so I shouldn't run into him...right?

[2 Hours Later]

As I'm walking throughout the Viki Korea headquarters, I notice all type of fine ass Korean men. Some I've even watched on Viki before, I can't help but think this is exciting.

(Nathaniel)-*I think this is it...*

(Assistant)-"Hi, how can I help you?"

(Nathaniel)-"Hi I'm looking for director Jung. I'm here for an audition."

(Assistant)-'Alright and which show are you auditioning for?"

(Nathaniel)-"The Seoul of Korea."

(Assistant)-"Ah that one is the big one. We have seen a lot of people come in to audition. I presume you're auditioning for the role of the foreigner?"

(Nathaniel)-"Yess lol.."

(Assistant)-"Alright, your number is going to be 25 and you can have a seat. Your number will be called shortly."

(Nathaniel)-"Okay, thank you!"

When I sat down in that seat all the nerves came line a big wave and crashed my body. Do I really have what it takes? What if this bl doesn't get sponsors or even air? 

(Assistant)-"Number 25, you can go in now."

Alright I can't worry now I have to slay this!


(Director Jung)- "Hi, oh yess alrighty you perfect fit the role of the lead foreigner."

(Nathaniel)-"Ah, thank you!"

(Director Jung)-"No problem! So we will be ready for you to start once the Korean lead aka your possible love interest shows up."

(Director Jung)-"Lol my apologies he is always late."

As he was finished saying the the door bust open CHILE it scared me I broke my neck to see who the fuck opened the door like that.

(Korean Lead)-"Sorry I'm late! Had my last day at my previous job today."

(Director Jung)-"Samsung keep you that busy lol? Hurry up we were waiting on you!"

Samsung? Can't be!...At this moment we finally made eye contact...

It was Ji-Hoon. 

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