(Chapter 8) Bust It Open!

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I was in shocked when I opened that door. Not only do I get kidnapped but I bust open the door to my best friend busting it wide in a split on a Korean man. But I mean girl get it.

(Ji-Hoon)-"I think I better go lol"

(Nathaniel)-"Yeah you should so should he"

Ji-Hoon brought me into his warm heart warming embrace as he kissed my cheek and then my lips. For a second I forgot about all reality. I never thought I would have anything like this in my life. In the past i've dealt with so much shit with guys that it felt unreal to me that one could be so caring, gentle but assertive, and most of all he made me feel safe and seen. 

Security is one things I have serious issues with. But we will get more into my story soon enough.

(Nathaniel)-"Text me when you get home!"

(Ji-Hoon)-"Aww I love it when my wife worries about me"


(Michaela)-"Omg so sweet."

(Nathaniel)-"Oh right, you!"

(Unknown Man)-"I have to go...I'll text you!"

(Nathaniel)-"Omg girl he was cute, how was it?"

(Michaela)-"Sis, the way he layed it on me was excellent. I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow."


(Michaela)-"But I'll have to suck it up for tomorrow."

(Nathaniel)-"What's happening tomorrow?"

(Michaela)-"Did you forget? We go home tomorrow, we have to be at the airport at 10am."

(Nathaniel)-"omg omg it's already been a month?"

(Michaela)-"Yes girl!"

My heart literally felt like it fell to the pits of hell. Ji-Hoon and I were just starting to actually build  our relationship and I have to leave right in the middle of that. The thought of being miles and miles overseas away from him is scary. The trust that is required for a long distance relationship is high and I have no idea if we're ready for that let alone if he will stay. I just want him to stay someone to finally stay with me.

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