(Chapter 13) Results Are In

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My heart dropped to the pits of hell. I tried to keep my composure as much as possible throughout my audition. I'm a keep it real I'm usually very good with concealing my true emotions but this right here, this shocked me to the core. I could tell the director and everyone else could tell I was shaken up.

*2 Hours Later*

(Michaela)-"Well how did it go?"

(Nathaniel)-"Well...not good."

(Michaela)-"What?! But you literally have been studying this role for months. Eat, sleep, breathing the role for Nat the foreigner. Shit ya both share similar names.

(Nathaniel)-"Exactly. It was honestly great until Ji-Hoon showed up.



(Michaela)-"Wait pause since when does he do acting? Didn't he work in foreign relations?"

(Nathaniel)-"Chile I know right! Beats fucking me."

(Nathaniel)-"All I know is that my chances are shot now because of him."

(Michaela)-"I'm so sorry boo. I'm sure they didn't notice, sis your good at covering up your true emotions.

And she wasn't wrong.

(Nathaniel)-"Yeah that is true but this was an unexpected turn of events."

I was honestly so disappointed in myself. I let him ruin this chance for me. This is bigger than some regular basic role in Hollywood. It was always my dream since my days back in quarantine during the covid-19 pandemic to and I quote "Live my BL fantasy". I never in a million years thought I would be given such a once in a life time opportunity. One that could get my foot in the door for many more opportunities like that, even over in America. 

(Nathaniel)- "Well I'm stumped for today. I'm gonna go shower and take a nap."

(Michaela)-"Okay hun!

[Ji-Hoon's Prospective]

Fuck! I've been pacing around my living room since I got back from Viki. Seeing Nathaniel immediately brought back so many feelings I tried to suppress. When Sung-Ho told me that Michaela was back in Seoul it felt like my chest was in a knot. I was really hoping that what he said about Nathaniel staying in America was true. How could I face him now? My shady ass family putting this pressure on me to find a wife, settle down, and take over the family business has put me in such a tough situation. Part of my wants to sacrifice our relationship to keep him safe and away. But the other part of me, the one that makes emotional and unrational decisions, the part the controls little Ji-Hoon can't resist him. His beautiful brown skin, curly Burgundy hair, slim body and his scent of his warm vanilla, coconut, & caramel perfume has me spinning.

It's driving me crazy reminiscing on the day we met, the bathroom, having his small petite body pinned against the stall. I usually don't do this but thinking about it is causing my hands to explore my body. Thinking about his every moan and command, I was and am here to serve him.  The way he makes me feel is incredible, I've never finished with as much of a satisfying feeling as  I did in the bathroom. Knowing that others could hear him but couldn't see/touch him drove me crazy.

*Ji-Hoons Cell Phone Rings*


*Picks Up Phone*


(Director)-"Hey I was calling to let you know that we finally made our decision regarding your co-lead and we decided on Park-Lee per sponsor and network suggestion."

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